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Diretrizes ERAS para atenção perioperatória na cirurgia bariátrica.

20 Jan, 2022 | 20:02h

Guidelines for Perioperative Care in Bariatric Surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Recommendations: A 2021 Update – World Journal of Surgery

Conteúdo relacionado: Complete List of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Guidelines


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Diretrizes para a provisão de terapia de suporte nutricional no adulto com doença crítica.

20 Jan, 2022 | 20:01h

Guidelines for the provision of nutrition support therapy in the adult critically ill patient: The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition – Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Estudo randomizado | Suplementação oral de vitamina D (60.000 UI por mês) não reduziu a mortalidade em pacientes de 60 de idade ou mais (indivíduos não rastreados na Austrália, muitos sem insuficiência, média de 30 ng/mL). Análise exploratória apontou para um risco aumentado de morte por câncer.

20 Jan, 2022 | 19:58h

The D-Health Trial: a randomised controlled trial of the effect of vitamin D on mortality – The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Conteúdos relacionados:

Randomized Trial: Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

Meta-Analysis: Vitamin D Not Effective for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Association between vitamin D supplementation and mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis – The BMJ

USPSTF Draft Statement: Insufficient evidence to recommend multivitamin supplements for the prevention of CVD or cancer. The statement also recommends against the use of beta-carotene (increases risk of CVD mortality and lung cancer) or vitamin E (clear evidence of no benefit)

Vitamin D, calcium, other vitamins, and supplements do not prevent cardiovascular diseases

Research: Circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of seven cancers

Research: Vitamin D and risk of total and site specific cancers

Estudo randomizado | Suplementação de vitamina D não é benéfica na prevenção de doença cardiovascular e câncer.

20 Jan, 2022 | 19:46h

Vitamin D supplementation and prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer in the Finnish Vitamin D Trial-a randomized controlled trial – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Comunicado de imprensa: Five years of high-dose vitamin D did not affect incidence of cardiovascular disease or cancer – University of Eastern Finland

Conteúdos relacionados:

Randomized Trial: Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

Meta-Analysis: Vitamin D Not Effective for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Association between vitamin D supplementation and mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis – The BMJ

USPSTF Draft Statement: Insufficient evidence to recommend multivitamin supplements for the prevention of CVD or cancer. The statement also recommends against the use of beta-carotene (increases risk of CVD mortality and lung cancer) or vitamin E (clear evidence of no benefit)

Vitamin D, calcium, other vitamins, and supplements do not prevent cardiovascular diseases

Research: Circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of seven cancers

Research: Vitamin D and risk of total and site specific cancers

Análise | Sarcopenia: prevenção precoce ou “overdiagnosis”?

20 Jan, 2022 | 16:13h

Sarcopenia: early prevention or overdiagnosis? – The BMJ

Conteúdo relacionado: Overdiagnosis: it’s official – the term is now included in the medical subject headings (MeSH) vocabulary. (vários artigos sobre o tema)


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M-A | Jejum intermitente e desfechos de saúde relacionados à obesidade.

13 Jan, 2022 | 20:52h

Intermittent Fasting and Obesity-Related Health Outcomes: An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses of Randomized Clinical Trials – JAMA Network Open

Estudo de coorte | Alto consumo de azeite de oliva está associado a menor risco de mortalidade cardiovascular, por câncer e por todas as causas.

13 Jan, 2022 | 11:43h

Consumption of Olive Oil and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality Among U.S. Adults – Journal of the American College of Cardiology (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)


Higher olive oil intake associated with lower risk of CVD mortality – American College of Cardiology

Higher Olive Oil Intake May Be Associated With Lower Risk of CVD Mortality – American College of Cardiology

Diretriz da ADA 2022 para o cuidado médico no diabetes.

10 Jan, 2022 | 12:27h

Página principal da diretriz: ADA 2022 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – American Diabetes Association

Introdução: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022

Resumo das revisões: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022 Guideline Abridged for Primary Care Providers

Resumo em vídeo: Standards of Care in Diabetes – 2022

  1. Improving Care and Promoting Health in Populations
  2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes 
  3. Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities
  4. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities
  5. Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes
  6. Glycemic Targets
  7. Diabetes Technology
  8. Obesity and Weight Management for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
  9. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment
  10. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management
  11. Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management
  12. Retinopathy, Neuropathy, and Foot Care
  13. Older Adults
  14. Children and Adolescents
  15. Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy
  16. Diabetes Care in the Hospital
  17. Diabetes Advocacy


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Estudo randomizado | Suplementação de longo prazo com ácidos graxos ômega 3 marinhos não reduziu o risco de sintomas depressivos.

10 Jan, 2022 | 12:18h

Effect of Long-term Supplementation With Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids vs Placebo on Risk of Depression or Clinically Relevant Depressive Symptoms and on Change in Mood Scores: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Comentário: Clinical trial reveals that omega-3 fish oil supplements do not help prevent depression – Massachusetts General Hospital

Guia para nutrição enteral em unidades de terapia intensiva: 10 dicas de especialistas para a prática clínica.

16 Dez, 2021 | 12:45h

A guide to enteral nutrition in intensive care units: 10 expert tips for the daily practice – Critical Care

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