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Diretriz | Dor lateral no cotovelo e comprometimentos da função muscular.

6 Dez, 2022 | 12:01h

Lateral Elbow Pain and Muscle Function Impairments – Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy


Estudos randomizados controlados na cirurgia de mão: revisão de escopo.

17 Out, 2022 | 13:15h

Randomised controlled trials in hand surgery: a scoping review – BMJ Open


Tratamento da osteoartrite da mão: de uma diretriz médica norte-americana baseada em evidências para uma abordagem europeia centrada no paciente.

29 Ago, 2022 | 16:32h

Management of hand osteoarthritis: from an US evidence-based medicine guideline to a European patient-centric approach – Aging Clinical and Experimental Research

Conteúdos relacionados:

Erosive hand osteoarthritis: latest findings and outlook – Nature Reviews Rheumatology

Efficacy of corticosteroids for hand osteoarthritis – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

ACR Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee

#ACR19 – Randomized Trial: Low-Dose Corticosteroids for Short Periods Effective and Safe for Hand Osteoarthritis

#ACR19 – [Not Published Yet] Randomized Trial: Methotrexate May Reduce Joint Damage Progression in Erosive Hand Osteoarthritis

Research: Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in Reducing Symptoms of Hand Osteoarthritis


Estudo randomizado | Imobilização de fraturas do tipo tórus do pulso em crianças.

5 Jul, 2022 | 11:53h

Immobilisation of torus fractures of the wrist in children (FORCE): a randomised controlled equivalence trial in the UK – The Lancet


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Revisão sistemática | Intervenções para tratamento de fraturas supracondilares do cotovelo em crianças.

16 Jun, 2022 | 13:36h

Interventions for treating supracondylar elbow fractures in children – Cochrane Library

Resumo: What are the benefits and risks of different treatments for elbow fractures in children? – Cochrane Library

Podcast | Dor na mão e no pulso.

14 Jun, 2022 | 13:36h

#339 Hand and Wrist Pain with Dr. Ted Parks – The Curbsiders

Reunião de consenso internacional sobre tromboembolismo venoso na cirurgia ortopédica.

29 Mar, 2022 | 14:09h

Página principal: International Consensus Meeting on Venous Thromboembolism (artigos gratuitos por tempo limitado)


Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: General

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE:: Foot & Ankle

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Hand & Wrist

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Hip & Knee

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Oncology

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Pediatric

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Shoulder & Elbow

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Sports

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Trauma

Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Spine

Relato de caso | “Deformidade do Popeye” associada com ruptura do tendão do bíceps proximal.

15 Mar, 2022 | 12:58h

“Popeye deformity” associated with proximal biceps tendon rupture – Canadian Medical Association Journal

Osteoartrite erosiva de mão: achados mais recentes e visão geral.

3 Mar, 2022 | 15:28h

Erosive hand osteoarthritis: latest findings and outlook – Nature Reviews Rheumatology (se o acesso a este link for pago, tente este)


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Doença de Dupuytren: etiologia e tratamento.

17 Fev, 2022 | 15:01h

Dupuytren’s Disease—Etiology and Treatment – Deutsches Ärzteblatt International

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