Medicina do Trabalho
[Preprint] Maior estudo para obter dados sobre COVID longa identifica uma ampla lista de diagnósticos.
16 Jun, 2022 | 13:51hComentário do estudo: Largest study to date on long COVID identifies a broad list of diagnoses – News Medical
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🚨 The arguably largest #LongCovid study to date with millions of participants shows the increased risk of various symptoms after infection and the risk of having to take medications.
— Jonas R. Kunst (@KunstJonas) May 23, 2022
Pesquisa: pessoas com sintomas de uma doença infecciosa seguem a recomendação para permanecerem em casa?
6 Jun, 2022 | 11:07hConteúdos relacionados:
This flu season, physicians need to scrap the ‘martyr culture’ of working while sick – STAT
M-A | Prevalência de burnout entre médicos generalistas.
16 Mai, 2022 | 16:27hConteúdos relacionados:
Viewpoint | How to Measure Progress in Addressing Physician Well-being: Beyond Burnout.
Physician Well-being 2.0: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
[Abstract Only] Assessment of Risk Factors for Suicide Among US Health Care Professionals
Beyond Burnout: Docs Decry ‘Moral Injury’ From Financial Pressures of Health Care
Perspective: Hospital Administration Response to Physician Stress and Burnout
Opinion: It’s Time to Talk About Physician Burnout and Moral Injury
Systematic Review: Effect of Organization-Directed Workplace Interventions on Physician Burnout
Perspective: The 3 Causes Of Physician Burnout (And Why There’s No Simple Solution)
Physician Burnout: A Global Crisis (várias fontes sobre o tema)
Limitar as horas de trabalho dos médicos residentes pode melhorar os desfechos de segurança do paciente.
13 Mai, 2022 | 12:59hComunicado de imprensa: Limiting resident-physician work hours improved patient safety outcome – Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Revisão sistemática | Intervenções no local de trabalho para reduzir o risco de infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 fora de ambientes de cuidado à saúde.
10 Mai, 2022 | 14:27hEstudo de coorte | Trabalho rotativo noturno e envelhecimento saudável após 24 anos de seguimento do Nurses’ Health Study.
10 Mai, 2022 | 14:07hComentário: Rotating Night Shifts May Hamper Healthy Aging – HealthDay
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This cohort study of 24 years of follow-up from Nurses' Health Study found that long periods of rotating night shift work were associated with modestly decreased odds of healthy aging in women.
— JAMA Network Open (@JAMANetworkOpen) May 4, 2022
M-A | Prevalência global da condição pós-COVID-19 ou COVID longa.
21 Abr, 2022 | 11:37hComentário: Global data reveal half may have long COVID 4 months on – CIDRAP
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🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at 43%. Some additional key findings. 🧵
1/— Jonas R. Kunst (@KunstJonas) April 17, 2022
Revisão sistemática | Como a redução das horas de trabalho pode influenciar os desfechos de saúde.
11 Abr, 2022 | 12:31hEstudo sugere que indivíduos com distúrbio do uso de álcool faltam ao trabalho desproporcionalmente.
24 Mar, 2022 | 12:08hComentários:
Problem Drinking to Blame for 232 Million Missed Workdays in U.S. Annually – HealthDay
Metanálise de estudos observacionais | Comprometimento neurocognitivo em trabalhadores noturnos e por turnos.
17 Mar, 2022 | 12:44hNeurocognitive impairment in night and shift workers: a meta-analysis of observational studies – Occupational & Environmental Medicine (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)
Comunicado de imprensa: Shift work linked to poorer working memory and slower mental processing speed – BMJ Newsroom
Comentário: Shift Work Linked to Decreased Cognitive Performance – HealthDay