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Medicina Reprodutiva

Revisão sistemática | Transferência do embrião no estágio de clivagem vs. estágio de blastocisto na tecnologia de reprodução assistida.

2 Jun, 2022 | 13:36h

Cleavage‐stage versus blastocyst‐stage embryo transfer in assisted reproductive technology – Cochrane Library

Resumo: When trying to have a baby through assisted conception, is it better to transfer the embryo to the womb on day 3 or day 5? – Cochrane Library


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Estudo de coorte | Análise do uso de antieméticos após início de hormonioterapia.

30 Mai, 2022 | 12:49h

Analysis of Antiemetic Use After Initiation of Hormone Therapy – JAMA Network Open

M-A | Efetividade e prejuízos do aconselhamento contraceptivo e intervenções para provê-lo a mulheres.

27 Mai, 2022 | 13:18h

Effectiveness and Harms of Contraceptive Counseling and Provision Interventions for Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – Annals of Internal Medicine (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Resumo em vídeo: Effectiveness and Harms of Contraceptive Counseling and Provision Interventions for Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Comentário: Contraceptive counseling, provision increases use, reduces unintended pregnancy – ACP Internist

Estudo randomizado e revisão sistemática | Raspagem endometrial para aumentar as taxas de nascidos vivos em mulheres submetidas à primeira tentativa de fertilização in vitro.

13 Mai, 2022 | 12:26h

Endometrial scratch to increase live birth rates in women undergoing first-time in vitro fertilisation: RCT and systematic review – Health Technology Assessment

Conteúdos relacionados:

Survey: Despite insufficient evidence of benefit, many fertility specialists still perform endometrial scratching before in vitro fertilization.

Endometrial scratching: what’s the latest evidence? – “we are uncertain whether endometrial injury has an effect on the probability of getting pregnant and having a baby”.

A Randomized Trial of Endometrial Scratching before In Vitro Fertilization – New England Journal of Medicine

Estudo de randomização mendeliana | Obesidade e risco de problemas reprodutivos femininos.

28 Abr, 2022 | 11:41h

Obesity and risk of female reproductive conditions: A Mendelian randomisation study – PLOS Medicine

Comunicado de imprensa: Obesity may increase risk of some female reproductive disorders – PLOS

Estudo de coorte | Infertilidade em mulheres está associada a risco aumentado de insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção preservada.

21 Abr, 2022 | 12:21h

Infertility and Risk of Heart Failure in the Women’s Health Initiative – Journal of the American College of Cardiology (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Podcast: Infertility and Risk of Heart Failure in the Women’s Health Initiative


Infertility in Women Linked to Subsequent Risk of HFpEF – TCTMD

MGH study finds infertility associated with increased risk of heart failure – MedicalResearch

M-A | Risco de recorrência em mulheres com tromboembolismo venoso relacionado ao uso de contraceptivos com estrogênio.

8 Abr, 2022 | 17:28h

Risk of recurrence in women with venous thromboembolism related to estrogen-containing contraceptives: Systematic review and meta-analysis – Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Complementos da fertilização in vitro: motivos para precaução com estes procedimentos caros para quem está tentando conceber.

1 Abr, 2022 | 12:58h

IVF add-ons: why you should be cautious of these expensive procedures if you’re trying to conceive – The Conversation

Conteúdos relacionados:

Survey: Despite insufficient evidence of benefit, many fertility specialists still perform endometrial scratching before in vitro fertilization.

Endometrial scratching: what’s the latest evidence? – “we are uncertain whether endometrial injury has an effect on the probability of getting pregnant and having a baby”.

A Randomized Trial of Endometrial Scratching before In Vitro Fertilization – New England Journal of Medicine

Study shows whole-genome risk prediction of common diseases in human preimplantation embryos is feasible, leading to ethical concerns.

Randomized Trial: Conventional in vitro fertilization resulted in a cumulative live-birth rate that was noninferior to live-birth rates with the addition of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy.

RCT: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection vs. conventional in-vitro fertilization in couples with infertility in whom the male partner has normal total sperm count and motility – no difference in livebirth rates between the strategies

Randomized Trial: Acupuncture Not Effective for Improving the Likelihood of In Vitro Fertilization

Research: Transfer of Fresh versus Frozen Embryos in Ovulatory Women

Randomized trial: Freeze-all vs. fresh blastocyst transfer strategy during in vitro fertilization in women with regular menstrual cycles

Diretriz sobre a necessidade de contracepção relacionada a uso de medicamentos: informações sobre o uso adequado de medicamentos em pacientes com potencial reprodutivo.

1 Abr, 2022 | 12:00h

Guidance on the need for contraception related to use of pharmaceuticals: the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development Study Group for providing information on the proper use of pharmaceuticals in patients with reproductive potential

Estudo de coorte | Uso paterno de metformina antes da concepção está associado a risco aumentado de problemas congênitos nos descendentes.

29 Mar, 2022 | 15:08h

Preconception Antidiabetic Drugs in Men and Birth Defects in Offspring: A Nationwide Cohort Study – Annals of Internal Medicine (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)


Paternal metformin use associated with major birth defects if used during period of sperm development – American College of Physicians

Expert reaction to study of birth defects and diabetic men using metformin during sperm development – Science Media Centre

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