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Clínica Médica

Estudo ASCEND | Efeitos da aspirina sobre a demência e a função cognitiva em pacientes diabéticos.

12 Abr, 2022 | 12:09h

Effects of aspirin on dementia and cognitive function in diabetic patients: the ASCEND trial – European Heart Journal

Estudo original: Randomized Trial: Effects of Aspirin for Primary Prevention in Persons with Diabetes


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Estudo de coorte | Uso de inibidores da fosfodiesterase 2 está associado a risco aumentado de eventos adversos oculares.

11 Abr, 2022 | 13:05h

Risk of Ocular Adverse Events Associated With Use of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors in Men in the US – JAMA Ophthalmology (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Comunicado de imprensa: U.S. insurance claims show strong link between ED medications and vision problems – University of British Columbia


Phase 4 Studies on Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors – JAMA Ophthalmology (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Expert reaction to study looking at risk of vision impairment and loss, and use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors – Science Media Centre

M-A | Padrões de trombose e desfecho clínico da trombocitopenia trombótica imune induzida por vacina contra COVID-19.

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:58h

Thrombosis patterns and clinical outcome of COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – International Journal of Infectious Diseases

Conteúdos relacionados:

Case series of Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome after Covid-19 vaccination in the US.

Review: Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia.

Vaccine induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: summary of NICE guidance.

Clinical features of vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis.

Review: Clinical characteristics and pharmacological management of COVID-19 vaccine–induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.

Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia: what we know and do not know.

Very rare cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after AstraZeneca vaccine: a global safety database analysis – the estimated rate of TTS after the first dose was 8.1 per million vaccinees; after the second dose, the estimated rate was 2.3 per million vaccinees. (vários artigos e fontes sobre o tema)

M-A | Desempenho diagnóstico do CO-RADS para Covid-19.

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:53h

Diagnostic performance of CO-RADS for COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis – European Radiology

Conteúdos relacionados: CO-RADS – A categorical CT assessment scheme for patients with suspected COVID-19: definition and evaluation – Radiology

Revisão | Dor crônica e infecção: mecanismos, causas, condições, tratamentos e controvérsias.

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:51h

Chronic pain and infection: mechanisms, causes, conditions, treatments, and controversies – BMJ Medicine

AVC: avanços no tratamento dão esperança ao pacientes.

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:50h

Stroke: advances in treatment offer hope for patients – Evidently Cochrane

Intervenções para tratar infecções de corrente sanguínea relacionadas a cateter em pessoas sob hemodiálise de manutenção.

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:46h

Interventions for treating catheter‐related bloodstream infections in people receiving maintenance haemodialysis – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Interventions for treating catheter-related bloodstream infections in people receiving maintenance haemodialysis – Cochrane Library

Comentário de estudo | De volta ao BaSICS (estudo que comparou solução balanceada com solução salina a 0,9% em pacientes críticos).

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:43h

Back to BaSICS – Annals of Emergency Medicine

Estudos originais:

BaSICS RCT: Among critically ill patients requiring fluid therapy, treatment with a balanced solution did not lead to reduced mortality compared to a 0.9% saline solution.

BaSICS RCT: Among critically ill patients requiring fluid therapy, there was no difference in mortality with slower (333 mL/h) vs. faster (999 mL/h) intravenous fluid bolus rates.

Conteúdos relacionados:

Perspective: The ongoing saga of normal saline vs. balanced fluids.

RCT: In critically ill adults, using a balanced multielectrolyte solution did not lower the risk of death or acute kidney injury compared to standard saline.

Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults — A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis – NEJM Evidence

Cochrane Review: Buffered Solutions Do Not Improve Mortality in Critically Ill Adults and Children Compared to 0,9% Saline

Aplicações atuais e limitações das diretrizes europeias sobre medidas de pressão arterial: implicações para a prática clínica.

11 Abr, 2022 | 12:34h

Current applications and limitations of European guidelines on blood pressure measurement: implications for clinical practice – Internal and Emergency Medicine

Conteúdos relacionados:

Randomized Diagnostic Study: home blood pressure measurements correlate better with 24-h ambulatory monitoring measurements compared to clinic, and kiosk measurements.

Practice guidelines for office and out-of-office blood pressure measurement.

Study suggests a 30-second interval between automated office blood pressure measurements is as accurate and reliable as a 60-second interval.

USPSTF Statement recommends screening for hypertension in adults 18 years or older with office blood pressure measurement – diagnostic confirmation with blood pressure measurements outside of the clinical setting is advised before starting treatment

Study suggests that 7 days of home blood pressure monitoring is likely better than 24h ambulatory monitoring or 3 office measurements

Estudo mostra risco aumentado de embolia pulmonar em até 110 dias após a COVID-19.

8 Abr, 2022 | 21:58h

Risks of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and bleeding after covid-19: nationwide self-controlled cases series and matched cohort study – The BMJ

Comunicado de imprensa: Study finds increased risk of serious blood clots up to six months after COVID-19 – BMJ

Editorial: Thromboembolism and bleeding after covid-19

Comentário: Covid: Blood clot risk higher for six months after having virus – BBC

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