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Relatório CDC | Taxas de hospitalização por Covid-19 foram 10 vezes mais altas entre adolescentes não vacinados do que entre os vacinados.

7 Set, 2021 | 22:09h

Hospitalizations Associated with COVID-19 Among Children and Adolescents — COVID-NET, 14 States, March 1, 2020–August 14, 2021 – CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report


More kids hospitalized with Covid-19 in states with lower vaccination rates, CDC report finds – CNN

The hospitalization rate among teens who are unvaccinated is 10 times higher than teens who are vaccinated, new CDC data shows – Insider

Child COVID hospital cases up in low-vaccination states – CIDRAP


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Série de casos | Vacinas mRNA contra COVID levando a inflamação do SNC.

7 Set, 2021 | 22:06h

COVID-19 mRNA vaccination leading to CNS inflammation: a case series – Journal of Neurology

Amplo estudo de vigilância mostra que são raros os eventos adversos graves após vacinação contra COVID-19 com vacinas mRNA.

6 Set, 2021 | 16:31h

Surveillance for Adverse Events After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination – JAMA

Editorial: Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Through the Vaccine Safety Datalink – JAMA


mRNA COVID vaccines not tied to serious side effects – CIDRAP

Researchers find no serious health effects linked to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines – News Medical


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Estudo mostra que a vacinação reduz à metade o risco de “long COVID”.

3 Set, 2021 | 12:53h

Comunicado de imprensa: Double vaccination halves risk of Long COVID – King’s College London

Estudo original: Risk factors and disease profile of post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK users of the COVID Symptom Study app: a prospective, community-based, nested, case-control study – The Lancet Infectious Diseases


Largest study of its kind finds face masks reduce COVID-19 – University of California – Berkeley

Study: Vaccines slash long-haul COVID, hospital rates – CIDRAP

Vaccination reduces risk of long Covid, even when people are infected, U.K. study indicates – STAT

Being fully vaccinated reduces odds of long-term Covid-19 symptoms by half, UK study suggests – CNN

Coronavirus vaccines cut risk of long Covid, study finds – BBC

Conteúdo relacionado: M-A: More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19.


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Agência da União Europeia afirma que o foco deve ser sobre a oferta de vacinação inicial para todos, e não sobre as doses de reforço.

3 Set, 2021 | 12:50h

EU agency says to focus on vaccines first not booster shots – Associated Press

Ver também: European officials say COVID-19 booster isn’t urgent – CIDRAP

Outro estudo mostra redução da imunidade conferida pela vacina de mRNA da Pfizer ao longo do tempo.

3 Set, 2021 | 11:16h

Waning of BNT162b2 vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in Qatar – medRxiv

Conteúdos relacionados:

[Press release – not published yet] Study shows vaccine protection wanes over time, but vaccines still offer good protection against severe disease.

Studies: COVID vaccine protection waning against infection but not hospitalization.

Pfizer says it’s time for a Covid booster; FDA and CDC say not so fast.


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[Preprint] Dose de proteção e reforço da vacina da Pfizer: um estudo nacional de Israel – “Doze dias ou mais depois da dose de reforço, observou-se uma redução de 11,4 vezes no risco relativo de infecção confirmada e redução acima de 10 vezes no risco relativo de doença grave.

2 Set, 2021 | 11:51h

BNT162b2 vaccine booster dose protection: A nationwide study from Israel – medRxiv

Por que a terceira dose de vacina contra COVID-19 é importante para pessoas imunocomprometidas?

2 Set, 2021 | 11:49h

Why is a third COVID-19 vaccine dose important for people who are immunocompromised? – The Conversation

Conteúdos relacionados:

FDA authorizes additional Covid-19 vaccine dose for certain immunocompromised individuals – Other fully vaccinated individuals do not need an additional vaccine dose right now.

RCT: third dose of Moderna mRNA vaccine increases immunity in transplant recipients.

Study: Among kidney transplant recipients who did not respond after 2 doses, a third dose of an mRNA-1273 vaccine induced a serologic response in 49% of patients.

Case series: Safety and immunogenicity of a third dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in solid organ transplant recipients.

Perspectiva | Reforços da vacina contra COVID-19 em nações ricas atrasará a vacinação para todos.

2 Set, 2021 | 11:48h

COVID-19 boosters in rich nations will delay vaccines for all – Nature


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Estudo demonstra imunogenicidade humoral significativamente mais alta induzida pela vacina da Moderna em comparação à vacina da Pfizer- BioNTech.

2 Set, 2021 | 11:28h

Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response Following Vaccination With BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 – JAMA

Conteúdos relacionados:

Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta variant — breakthrough odds rise with time.

[Preprint] Pfizer vs. Moderna COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against the Delta variant in Qatar – Effectiveness against symptomatic disease due to Delta was 53.5% for Pfizer and 84.8% for Moderna; effectiveness against severe disease due to Delta was 89.7% for Pfizer and 100.0% for Moderna.

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