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Papel dos ácidos graxos polinsaturados circulantes sobre o risco de doenças cardiovasculares: análise usando randomização mendeliana e associação de dados genéticos de ácidos graxos em 114.000 participantes do Biobank britânico.

19 Jun, 2022 | 15:20h

Role of circulating polyunsaturated fatty acids on cardiovascular diseases risk: analysis using Mendelian randomization and fatty acid genetic association data from over 114,000 UK Biobank participants – BMC Medicine

Diretriz | Intervenções dietéticas para tratar diabetes tipo 2 em adultos visando à remissão.

16 Jun, 2022 | 13:48h

Dietary Interventions to Treat Type 2 Diabetes in Adults with a Goal of Remission: An Expert Consensus Statement from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine – American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Comentário: Whole, plant-based diet most effective for type 2 diabetes remission, ACLM says – ACP Diabetes

Novo estudo associa a ingestão de laticínios com maior risco de câncer de próstata.

16 Jun, 2022 | 13:29h

Comunicado de imprensa: New study associates intake of dairy milk with greater risk of prostate cancer – Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center

Estudo original: Dairy foods, calcium intakes, and risk of incident prostate cancer in Adventist Health Study–2 – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Revisão ampla de metanálises de estudos observacionais prospectivos | Papel da dieta na incidência de AVC.

16 Jun, 2022 | 12:58h

Role of diet in stroke incidence: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of prospective observational studies – BMC Medicine

M-A | Efeitos da dieta sobre os desfechos de doenças reumáticas e musculoesqueléticas.

16 Jun, 2022 | 12:57h

Effects of diet on the outcomes of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs): systematic review and meta-analyses informing the 2021 EULAR recommendations for lifestyle improvements in people with RMDs – RMD Open

Comunicado de imprensa: Diet unlikely to ease progression of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis – BMJ

Diretriz relacionada: 2021 EULAR recommendations regarding lifestyle behaviours and work participation to prevent progression of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases – Annals of Rheumatic Diseases

Debate PRÓ/CON | O conceito de “comidas ultraprocessadas” ajuda a informar as diretrizes dietéticas, além dos sistemas convencionais de classificação?

14 Jun, 2022 | 13:50h

PRÓ: Does the concept of “ultra-processed foods” help inform dietary guidelines, beyond conventional classification systems? YES – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

CON: Does the concept of “ultra-processed foods” help inform dietary guidelines, beyond conventional classification systems? NO – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Comentário: Are ultra-processed foods harmful? Experts weigh the evidence – American Society for Nutrition


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Revisão sistemática | Intervenções não farmacológicas para prevenção do diabetes tipo 2 em países de baixa e média rendas.

14 Jun, 2022 | 13:45h

Non-pharmacological interventions for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials – BMJ Open

Revisão narrativa | Questões não resolvidas na nutrição perioperatória.

14 Jun, 2022 | 13:41h

Unresolved issues in perioperative nutrition: A narrative review – Clinical Nutrition

Conteúdos relacionados:

Perioperative nutrition: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert group – Clinical Nutrition

Perioperative Nutritional Support: A Review of Current Literature – Nutrients

M-A: The clinical effect and safety of new preoperative fasting time guidelines for elective surgery.

Diretriz de consenso | Efeito de dietas com restrição de carboidratos e jejum intermitente sobre obesidade, diabetes melito tipo 2 e hipertensão.

13 Jun, 2022 | 14:49h

Effect of Carbohydrate-Restricted Diets and Intermittent Fasting on Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Hypertension Management: Consensus Statement of the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, Korean Diabetes Association, and Korean Society of Hypertension – Diabetes & Metabolism Journal

Ver também: Comprehensive Understanding for Application in Korean Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of the Consensus Statement on Carbohydrate-Restricted Diets by Korean Diabetes Association, Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, and Korean Society of Hypertension – Diabetes & Metabolism Journal

M-A | Tempo de tela e índice de massa corpórea entre crianças e adolescentes.

13 Jun, 2022 | 14:14h

Screen Time and Body Mass Index Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Frontiers in Pediatrics

Conteúdos relacionados:

Effects of Limiting Recreational Screen Media Use on Physical Activity and Sleep in Families With Children: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Pediatrics

Association Between Screen Time Exposure in Children at 1 Year of Age and Autism Spectrum Disorder at 3 Years of Age: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study – JAMA Pediatrics

M-A: Global prevalence of meeting screen time guidelines among children 5 years and younger.

Media and Young Minds – American Academy of Pediatrics

Guidelines on Screen Time and Digital Wellness in Infants, Children and Adolescents – “children below 2 years age should not be exposed to any type of screen, whereas exposure should be limited to a maximum of one hour of supervised screen time per day for children 24-59 months age, and less than two hours per day for children 5-10 years age”.

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