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M-A | Tempo de tela e índice de massa corpórea entre crianças e adolescentes.

13 Jun, 2022 | 14:14h

Screen Time and Body Mass Index Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Frontiers in Pediatrics

Conteúdos relacionados:

Effects of Limiting Recreational Screen Media Use on Physical Activity and Sleep in Families With Children: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Pediatrics

Association Between Screen Time Exposure in Children at 1 Year of Age and Autism Spectrum Disorder at 3 Years of Age: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study – JAMA Pediatrics

M-A: Global prevalence of meeting screen time guidelines among children 5 years and younger.

Media and Young Minds – American Academy of Pediatrics

Guidelines on Screen Time and Digital Wellness in Infants, Children and Adolescents – “children below 2 years age should not be exposed to any type of screen, whereas exposure should be limited to a maximum of one hour of supervised screen time per day for children 24-59 months age, and less than two hours per day for children 5-10 years age”.

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