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Acesso livre

Medicina Baseada em Evidências

Ponto de vista | Retirada de cuidados de baixo valor na cirurgia.

5 Ago, 2022 | 17:44h

Deimplementation of Low-Value Care in Surgery – JAMA Surgery (gratuito por tempo limitado)


Projeto de infográficos | Representações visuais para melhorar a educação, a comunicação e a pesquisa científica.

5 Ago, 2022 | 16:42h

Designing Infographics: Visual Representations for Enhancing Education, Communication, and Scientific Research – Journal of Korean Medical Science

Conteúdos relacionados:

Creating Effective Infographics and Visual Abstracts to Disseminate Research and Facilitate Medical Education on Social Media

As scientists take to Twitter, study shows power of ‘visual abstract’ graphics – Scienmag

Ver também: an open-source primer on visual abstracts


Quando a biologia subjacente ameaça os princípios da randomização – crises de gota no início da terapia de redução do ácido úrico.

2 Ago, 2022 | 13:11h

When underlying biology threatens the randomization principle — initial gout flares of urate-lowering therapy – Nature Reviews Rheumatology (se o acesso a este link for pago, tente este no PMC)


Comentário no Twitter


Como se recuperar de um projeto de doutorado malsucedido.

18 Jul, 2022 | 13:00h

How to bounce back from a PhD-project failure – Nature


Projeto e condução de estudos adaptativos para avaliar intervenções em serviços de saúde e pesquisas de implementação: considerações práticas.

13 Jul, 2022 | 12:08h

Designing and conducting adaptive trials to evaluate interventions in health services and implementation research: practical considerations – BMJ Medicine


Comentário no Twitter


A (R)evolução da mídia social em oncologia: engajamento, destaque e encorajamento.

12 Jul, 2022 | 11:47h

The (R)evolution of Social Media in Oncology: Engage, Enlighten, and Encourage – Cancer Discovery

Conteúdos relacionados:

Twitter promotion is associated with higher citation rates of cardiovascular articles: the ESC Journals Randomized Study – European Society of Cardiology (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Randomized Trial: Twitter Promotion Increases Citation Rates of Cardiovascular Articles

Does Tweeting Improve Citations? One-Year Results from the TSSMN Prospective Randomized Trial

A critical review on altmetrics: can we measure the social impact factor?

As scientists take to Twitter, study shows power of ‘visual abstract’ graphics

Riding the Twitter wave: Enthusiasm for the social media platform changed science communication during the pandemic—but will it last?

Optimizing the use of Twitter for research dissemination: The “Three Facts and a Story” randomized-controlled trial.

Perspective: How Twitter is Changing Medical Research

Keeping Up With Cardiology: Old-School Learning Versus the Twittersphere – TCTMD

Scientists on Twitter: Preaching to the choir or singing from the rooftops? – Facets

Rise of the Tweetorial – Precious Bodily Fluids

Social Medicine: Twitter in Healthcare – Journal of Clinical Medicine

University of Twitter? Scientists give impromptu lecture critiquing nutrition research – CBC

Twitter-Based Medicine: How Social Media is Changing the Public’s View of Medicine – The Health Care Blog

What’s your doctor reading? How social media is disrupting medical education – National Post


Perspectiva | Como encontrar, ler e organizar artigos.

11 Jul, 2022 | 13:56h

How to find, read and organize papers – Nature


Suplemento | Estratégias digitais e mídias sociais em doenças infecciosas.

22 Jun, 2022 | 20:38h

Página principal: Digital Strategy and Social Media in Infectious Diseases – Clinical Infectious Diseases

Digital Strategy and Social Media for Infectious Diseases

Social Media: Flattening Hierarchies for Women and Black, Indigenous, People Of Color (BIPOC) to Enter the Room Where It Happens

#SoMe the Money! Value, Strategy, and Implementation of Social Media Engagement for Infectious Diseases Trainees, Clinicians, and Divisions

The Digital Classroom: How to Leverage Social Media for Infectious Diseases Education

Educational Impact of #IDJClub, a Twitter-Based Infectious Diseases Journal Club

Surgeons, Infectious Diseases, and Twitter Hit a Home Run for Antibiotic Stewardship

Exploring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Hesitancy on Twitter Using Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Processing Algorithms

Go V.I.R.A.L.: Social Media Engagement Strategies in Infectious Diseases

Creating Effective Infographics and Visual Abstracts to Disseminate Research and Facilitate Medical Education on Social Media

How to Harness the Power of Social Media for Quality Drug Information in Infectious Diseases: Perspectives on Behalf of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists

Misinformation and Disinformation: The Potential Disadvantages of Social Media in Infectious Disease and How to Combat Them

Perspectiva | Metanálise cardiovascular: ouro de tolo ou pérolas aos porcos?

21 Jun, 2022 | 12:51h

Cardiovascular meta-analyses: fool’s gold or gold for fools? – European Heart Journal

Análise qualitativa | Abordagem para relatar projetos de estudos de protocolo mestre no site

19 Jun, 2022 | 13:51h

Approach for reporting master protocol study designs on qualitative analysis – The BMJ

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