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Transformação digital dos maiores encontros científicos induzida pela pandemia de COVID-19: lições do Congresso Anual ESC 2020.

25 Ago, 2021 | 12:51h

Digital transformation of major scientific meetings induced by the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the ESC 2020 annual congress – European Heart Journal Digital Health


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Pesquisa | Maus-tratos no ambiente de trabalho são frequentemente reportados por residentes de medicina de emergência.

23 Ago, 2021 | 12:53h

Workplace Mistreatment Reported Frequently by Emergency Medicine Residents – HealthDay

Estudo original: Prevalence of Discrimination, Abuse, and Harassment in Emergency Medicine Residency Training in the US – JAMA Network Open


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Uso do Twitter por revistas médicas: revisão sistemática da literatura.

18 Ago, 2021 | 12:29h

The Use of Twitter by Medical Journals: Systematic Review of the Literature – Journal of Medical Internet Research


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Conferências médicas científicas podem ser facilmente modificadas para favorecer a inclusão de mulheres: um estudo prospectivo.

17 Ago, 2021 | 11:26h

Scientific medical conferences can be easily modified to improve female inclusion: a prospective study – The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

Entrevista com a autora: Victoria Salem on improving female inclusion in conferences


Women participate less at conferences, even with gender-balanced delegates – Imperial College London

Women participate less at conferences, even if gender-balanced – study – The Guardian


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Revisão sistemática e metanálise de depressão, ansiedade e ideação suicida entre doutorandos.

2 Ago, 2021 | 16:42h

Systematic review and meta-analysis of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among Ph.D. students – Science Reports


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Uso do PubMed atualizado: novos recursos e funções para melhorar as pesquisas na literatura.

27 Jul, 2021 | 10:21h

Using Updated PubMed: New Features and Functions to Enhance Literature Searches – JAMA (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Universidade holandesa abandona o fator de impacto nas decisões sobre contratação e promoção – “Membros da faculdade e da equipe da Universidade de Utrecht serão avaliados pelo seu comprometimento com o ‘open science’ (ou ciência aberta).”

28 Jun, 2021 | 10:25h

Impact factor abandoned by Dutch university in hiring and promotion decisions – Nature

Relacionado: Open-access Science Funders Announce Price Transparency Rules for Publishers (várias fontes sobre o assunto) E A new mandate highlights costs, benefits of making all scientific articles free to read – Science E A guide to Plan S: the open-access initiative shaking up science publishing – Nature

AGS publica as Competências Geriátricas Mínimas para Estudantes de Medicina.

22 Jun, 2021 | 09:07h

Comunicado de imprensa: AGS publishes updated AGS Minimum Geriatrics Competencies for Graduating Medical Students – American Geriatrics Society

Recomendações: Minimum Geriatric Competencies for Medical Students

Desafios e soluções para médicas que são mães: uma revisão crítica da literatura.

7 Jun, 2021 | 10:20h

Challenges and Solutions for Physician Mothers: A Critical Review of the Literature – Mayo Clinic Proceedings


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Editor-chefe do JAMA deixa o cargo após a repercussão de um podcast que questionava o racismo na medicina.

2 Jun, 2021 | 10:17h

JAMA editor-in-chief stepping down after backlash from podcast that questioned racism in medicine – STAT

Ver também: JAMA editor in chief steps down over tweet that questioned racism in medicine – MarketWatch E The Editor Of A Top Medical Journal Is Leaving After The Publication Said “No Physician Is Racist” – Buzzfeed News

Editorial do JAMA: To Howard Bauchner, MD, Visionary Editor in Chief of JAMA—A Sincere Thank You and a Fond Farewell

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