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Vacinação contra COVID-19 na gestação – Número necessário para vacinar e evitar danos.

3 Nov, 2021 | 11:16h

COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy—number needed to vaccinate to avoid harm – The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Conteúdos relacionados:

A case-controlled study showed Covid-19 vaccination during early pregnancy was not associated with increased risk of first-trimester miscarriage.

Editorial: Covid-19 treatments and vaccines must be evaluated in pregnancy.

AstraZeneca vaccination not linked to reduced fertility rates and adverse birth outcomes.

Cohort study: Vaccinated pregnant patients had 90% lower risk of severe or critical Covid-19 compared with unvaccinated pregnant patients.

Two observational studies suggest spontaneous abortion is not increased following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination during pregnancy.

Study shows high effectiveness of the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy.

5 Crucial Things to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy.

CDC Guidance: Pregnant people should be vaccinated against COVID-19.

ACOG and SMFM Recommend COVID-19 Vaccination for Pregnant Individuals – “ACOG encourages its members to enthusiastically recommend vaccination to their patients.”

Cohort study: Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine associated with 78% lower risk of Covid-19 in pregnancy.

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