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Série Lancet: Ingredientes ativos para a abordagem da ansiedade e da depressão em jovens.

30 Ago, 2021 | 12:44h

Página principal: Active ingredients for addressing youth anxiety and depression – The Lancet Psychiatry (necessário cadastro gratuito para todos os artigos)

The knowns and unknowns of SSRI treatment in young people with depression and anxiety: efficacy, predictors, and mechanisms of action

Ver comentário: The benefits and harms of antidepressants for youth depression and anxiety #ActiveIngredientsMH – The Mental Elf

Circadian rhythm sleep–wake disturbances and depression in young people: implications for prevention and early intervention

Harnessing emotional mental imagery to reduce anxiety and depression in young people: an integrative review of progress and promise

Identifying and integrating active ingredients for mental health


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