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Perspectiva | Consequências da COVID-19 para o sistema nervoso.

21 Jan, 2022 | 15:57h

Nervous system consequences of COVID-19 – Science

Conteúdos relacionados:

Perspective | Post-acute neurological consequences of COVID-19: an unequal burden – “COVID-19 and its neurological consequences particularly burden marginalized communities, and so can only be effectively treated by advancing health equity”.

Review: Counting the neurological cost of COVID-19.

Infection with Covid-19 carries a much higher risk of developing neurological complications than Covid-19 vaccines.

M-A: Frequency of Neurologic Manifestations in COVID-19 – up to one-third of patients (89% hospitalized) experienced at least one neurological manifestation.

Neurological Effects of COVID-19 in Children.

Cohort study: Neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection in hospitalized children and adolescents in the UK – “around 1 in 20 of children hospitalized with COVID-19 develop brain or nerve complications linked to the viral infection”.

International Registry: Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke among critically ill patients with Covid-19.

Short review: Neurological complications of COVID-19.

2 new meta-analysis detail neurologic and psychiatric conditions in COVID-19.

M-A: Encephalitis as Neurological Complication of COVID‐19.

Large study finds 1 in 3 Covid-19 survivors have subsequent mental health and neurological conditionsEight out of ten people hospitalized with COVID-19 develop neurological problems – the most common self-reported symptoms included headache (37%) and anosmia or ageusia (26%).

[Preprint] Frequency of neurological manifestations in COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 350 studies – up to one-third of COVID-19 patients analyzed in this review, 89% of whom were hospitalized, experienced at least one neurological manifestation


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