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Opinião de 32 ministros de saúde: o mundo precisa agir agora e se preparar para futuras emergências de saúde.

24 Nov, 2021 | 11:36h

The world must act now to be prepared for future health emergencies – The BMJ

Conteúdos relacionados:

Viewpoint | Strengthening global health security and reforming the international health regulations: making the world safer from future pandemics.

Perspective | Learning from crisis: building resilient systems to combat future pandemics.

Systematic review: Border controls, restricted entry, quarantine essential for curbing COVID-19 and future pandemics.

Opinion | The future of pandemic preparedness: agile coordination around clinical trials.

UN Report: Preventing the Next Pandemic – Zoonotic Diseases and How to Break the Chain of Transmission


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