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Acesso livre

Mais uma metanálise sugere que anticoagulação profilática é a melhor opção para pacientes hospitalizados com Covid-19.

1 Out, 2021 | 22:02h

A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis Comparing Prophylactic and Therapeutic Low Molecular Weight Heparins for Mortality Reduction in 32,688 COVID-19 Patients – Frontiers in Pharmacology

Conteúdo relacionado: M-A: Safety and efficacy of different prophylactic anticoagulation dosing regimens in critically and non-critically ill patients with COVID-19 – According to this analysis, standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation should be the standard of care for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who do not have an indication for therapeutic anticoagulation, irrespective of disease severity.

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