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M-A | Suplementação de ácidos graxos ômega-3 está associada a risco aumentado de fibrilação atrial.

13 Out, 2021 | 13:17h

Effect of Long-Term Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation on the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation in Randomized Controlled Trials of Cardiovascular Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Circulation (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

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M-A: Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation increases the risk of atrial fibrillation in patients with lipid disorders.

More data suggests no cardiovascular benefit from Omega-3 supplementation – secondary analysis of STRENGHT trial did not show an association between achieved Omega-3 fatty acid levels and major adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with high cardiovascular risk.

RCT: Omega-3 supplements do not reduce cardiovascular events in elderly patients after myocardial infarction

#AHA20 – Randomized trial: High-dose Omega-3 fatty acids did not reduce the risk of cardiac events in patients at high cardiovascular risk

Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials: Little Benefit from Omega-3 Intake to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk


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