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Estudo randomizado | Suplementação de vitamina D para idosos (média de idade: 67 anos) por 5 anos reduziu o risco de doenças autoimunes em 22%. O risco absoluto no grupo em tratamento foi de 0,95% vs. 1,19% no grupo placebo.

31 Jan, 2022 | 08:51h

Vitamin D and marine omega 3 fatty acid supplementation and incident autoimmune disease: VITAL randomized controlled trial – The BMJ

Comentário: Vitamin D and fish oil supplements may help prevent autoimmune disease, study says – CNN

Conteúdos relacionados:

RCT: Oral Vitamin D supplementation (60.000 IU per month) did not reduce mortality in patients 60 years or older (unscreened individuals in Australia, many without insufficiency, average 30ng/mL). Exploratory analyses pointed towards an increased risk of death from cancer.

RCT: Vitamin D supplementation is not beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

USPSTF Draft Statement: Insufficient evidence to recommend multivitamin supplements for the prevention of CVD or cancer. The statement also recommends against the use of beta-carotene (increases risk of CVD mortality and lung cancer) or vitamin E (clear evidence of no benefit)

USPSTF Statement: Insufficient evidence to recommend Vitamin D deficiency screening

Vitamin D, calcium, other vitamins, and supplements do not prevent cardiovascular diseases

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