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Editorial | Vacinação contra Covid-19: evidência de queda na imunidade é exagerada.

4 Out, 2021 | 10:29h

Covid-19 vaccination: evidence of waning immunity is overstated – The BMJ

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COVID vaccine immunity is waning — how much does that matter? – “As debates about booster shots heat up, what’s known about the duration of vaccine-based immunity is still evolving”.

COVID vaccine effects wane over time but still prevent death and severe illness.

Perspective | What we actually know about waning immunity.

Another study shows Pfizer mRNA vaccine immunity is reduced over time.

[Press release – not published yet] Study shows vaccine protection wanes over time, but vaccines still offer good protection against severe disease.

Studies: COVID vaccine protection waning against infection but not hospitalization.

Pfizer says it’s time for a Covid booster; FDA and CDC say not so fast.

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