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Editorial | O racional para as recomendações da European Pediatric Fasting Guideline – “Os autores da diretriz pediátrica ESAIC 2021 encontraram motivos para recomendar jejum mínimo de 4 horas para crianças usando fórmulas infantis, de 3 horas para crianças em aleitamento materno e de 1 hora para líquidos claros.”

6 Dez, 2021 | 16:10h

The rationale for the recommendations of the European Paediatric Fasting Guideline: Improving paediatric anaesthesia and perioperative medicine – European Journal of Anaesthesiology

Diretriz original: Pre-operative fasting in children: A guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care – European Journal of Anesthesiology

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Pro-Con Debate: 1- vs 2-Hour Fast for Clear Liquids Before Anesthesia in Children.

ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical nutrition in surgery – “Preoperative fasting from midnight is unnecessary in most patients. Patients undergoing surgery, who are considered to have no specific risk of aspiration, shall drink clear fluids until 2 h before anesthesia. Solids shall be allowed until 6 h before anesthesia.”

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