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Arquivos do dia: Julho 6, 2021

Choosing Wisely para COVID-19: 10 recomendações baseadas em evidências para pacientes e médicos.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:26h

Choosing Wisely for COVID-19: ten evidence-based recommendations for patients and physicians – Nature Medicine

Opinião | Fracionamento das doses de vacina contra COVID-19 poderia ampliar o uso de suprimentos limitados e reduzir a mortalidade.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:25h

Fractionation of COVID-19 vaccine doses could extend limited supplies and reduce mortality – Nature Medicine


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Estudo randomizado | Ivermectina não evita hospitalização em pacientes com COVID-19.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:24h

Ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19 (IVERCOR-COVID19) a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial – BMC Infectious Diseases

Comentário: Ivermectin: balance of evidence shows no significant benefit against Covid-19 – MSN News

Relacionado: Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – “IVM did not reduce all-cause mortality, length of stay or viral clearance in RCTs in COVID-19 patients with mostly mild disease”. E Ivermectin is the new hydroxychloroquine, take 2 – “Ivermectin shouldn’t be used to treat COVID-19 outside of the context of a well-designed clinical trial”. E Therapeutics and COVID-19 | WHO guideline update advises Ivermectin should only be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials E RCT: Ivermectin does not improve time to resolution of symptoms among adults with mild COVID-19

Editorial | Não fique aí sentado, faça alguma coisa… mas não cause dano: os aspectos preocupantes das intervenções experimentais contra a COVID-19.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:23h

Do not just sit there, do something … but do no harm: the worrying aspects of COVID-19 experimental interventions – Intensive Care Medicine


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Perspectiva | Aprendendo com a crise: a construção de sistemas resilientes para combater futuras pandemias.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:22h

Learning from crisis: building resilient systems to combat future pandemics – The Lancet

Perspectiva | Ciência, e não especulação, é essencial para determinar como o SARS-CoV-2 alcançou os humanos.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:21h

Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans – The Lancet

Covid no Reino Unido: as infecções continuam subindo, mas as vacinas salvam vidas.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:20h

Covid: Infections rising, but vaccines saving lives – BBC

Covid nos EUA: dados sugerem que 99,5% das pessoas que morreram nos últimos 6 meses não tinham sido vacinadas.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:19h

99.5% Of People Killed By Covid In Last 6 Months Were Unvaccinated, Data Suggests – Forbes

OMS lança Lista de Dispositivos Médicos Prioritários para tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:18h

Comunicado de imprensa: WHO launches List of Priority Medical Devices for management of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes – World Health Organization

Diretriz: WHO list of priority medical devices for management of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes – World Health Organization


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Consenso da WSES | Diagnóstico e tratamento da obstrução do intestino delgado em abdome virgem/intacto.

6 Jul, 2021 | 11:17h

Diagnosis and management of small bowel obstruction in virgin abdomen: a WSES position paper – World Journal of Emergency Surgery

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