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Saúde Pública em Pediatria

Estudo randomizado: Cuidado “mãe-canguru” imediato melhora a sobrevida de bebês com baixo peso ao nascer em comparação com cuidado “mãe-canguru” convencional iniciado após a estabilização.

27 Mai, 2021 | 11:41h

Immediate “Kangaroo Mother Care” and Survival of Infants with Low Birth Weight – New England Journal of Medicine

Comentário: Immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth improves survival of pre-term babies – Karolisnka Institutet

Relacionado: RCT: Community-initiated kangaroo mother care reduced the risk of moderate-to-severe maternal postpartum depressive symptoms among mothers of low-birth-weight infants in low-income areas in India E WHO: New research highlights risks of separating newborns from mothers during COVID-19 pandemic E Randomized Trial: Kangaroo Mother Care Improves Survival of Infants with Low Birthweight

CDC investiga diversos relatos de adolescentes e adultos jovens que podem ter desenvolvido miocardite após receber vacinas de mRNA. A maioria dos casos é leve, mais frequente no sexo masculino, mais comum após a 2ª dose e ocorre tipicamente dentro de 4 dias após a vacinação.

24 Mai, 2021 | 11:02h

COVID-19 VaST Work Group Technical Report – May 17, 2021 – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Comentários: C.D.C. Is Investigating a Heart Problem in a Few Young Vaccine Recipients – The New York Times E U.S. CDC looking into heart inflammation in some young vaccine recipients – Reuters

Relacionado: Israel said probing link between Pfizer shot and heart problem in men under 30 – The Times of Israel

Opinião | Vacinar crianças antes dos pobres é moralmente errado, afirma cientista de Oxford.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:45h

Vaccinating children before poor morally wrong, Oxford scientist says – BBC

Relacionado: WHO: Wealthy nations urged to delay youth Covid vaccines, donate to solidarity scheme E Editorial: Vaccinating children against SARS-CoV-2 – “Hard to justify right now for most children in most countries”. E Opinion | American Kids Can Wait – “The U.S. should delay shots for children until global vaccine-manufacturing capacity significantly expands and the crisis in India subsides”.

Diretriz: Intervenção precoce para crianças de 0 a 2 anos com ou sob risco de paralisia cerebral.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:35h

Early Intervention for Children Aged 0 to 2 Years With or at High Risk of Cerebral Palsy: International Clinical Practice Guideline Based on Systematic Reviews – JAMA Pediatrics (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Editorial: Early Intervention in Cerebral Palsy and Beyond (gratuito por tempo limitado)

OMS e UNICEF lançam novas ferramentas para a promoção da saúde mental de adolescentes.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:33h

Comunicado de imprensa: WHO and UNICEF launch new tools for the promotion of adolescent mental health – World Health Organization

WHO/UNICEF Helping Adolescents Thrive programme

Helping Adolescents Thrive Toolkit

Magnificent Mei and Friends: Comic 1

The Teacher’s Guide

The mental and brain health of children and adolescents 


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Perspectiva | Facebook considera inconclusiva sua relação com depressão. Estes pesquisadores discordam.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:30h

Facebook Calls Links To Depression Inconclusive. These Researchers Disagree – NPR

Relacionado: Cohort study: Preschoolers’ extensive electronic media use linked to emotional/behavioral issues E Analysis: Smartphones, Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health E [Abstract Only] Study: Associations Between Time Spent Using Social Media and Mental Health Problems Among Youth E Association of Screen Time and Depression in AdolescenceThe Adverse Effects of Social Media use on Young People’s Mental Health May be Caused by Exposure to Cyberbullying, Loss of Sleep, and Reduced Physical ActivityResearch: This Is Your Brain Off FacebookCohort Study: Social Media Use and Adolescent Mental HealthSupplement: Children, Adolescents and Screens: What We Know and What We Need To Learn

Opinião | Cigarros eletrônicos e o banimento de cigarros mentolados nos Estados Unidos: uma oportunidade perdida de proteger os jovens.

18 Mai, 2021 | 10:43h

E-Cigarettes and the U.S. Menthol Ban: A Missed Opportunity to Protect Youth – Think Global Health


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Estudo de coorte com 12.306 pacientes pediátricos de COVID-19 mostra que somente 16,5% deles apresentaram sintomas respiratórios típicos (tosse, dispneia); 13,9% tiveram sintomas GI; 8,1% tiveram sintomas dermatológicos (rash); 4,8% tiveram sintomas neurológicos (cefaleia) e 1,8% teve outros sintomas inespecíficos (febre, desconforto, mialgia, artralgia e distúrbios de olfato e paladar).

14 Mai, 2021 | 10:16h

A retrospective cohort study of 12,306 pediatric COVID-19 patients in the United States – Scientific Reports

Comentário: COVID-19: Majority of infected children may not show typical symptoms – Nature Publishing Group


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Editorial: Vacinação de crianças contra o SARS-CoV-2 – “Para a maioria das crianças, na maioria dos países, é difícil justificar neste momento.”

14 Mai, 2021 | 10:09h

Vaccinating children against SARS-CoV-2 – The BMJ

Relacionado: Pfizer COVID-19 shot expanded to US children as young as 12.

Opinião | Crianças americanas podem esperar – “Os EUA deveriam retardar a vacinação de crianças até que a capacidade global de fabricação de vacinas seja expandida e a crise na Índia diminua.”

13 Mai, 2021 | 10:14h

American Kids Can Wait – The Atlantic


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