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Revisões Sistemáticas

M-A | Acurácia do Questionário sobre Saúde do Paciente-9 para rastreamento e detecção de depressão maior.

12 Out, 2021 | 11:08h

Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for screening to detect major depression: updated systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis – The BMJ

Ver calculadora: PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire-9)


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Idade de início dos distúrbios mentais pelo mundo: metanálise de grande escala de 192 estudos epidemiológicos.

12 Out, 2021 | 11:06h

Age at onset of mental disorders worldwide: large-scale meta-analysis of 192 epidemiological studies – Molecular Psychiatry

Comentário: Age at onset of mental disorders: global meta-analysis provides data for targeting effective interventions – The Mental Elf

Revisão sistemática | Pretomanida para tuberculose.

8 Out, 2021 | 10:59h

Pretomanid for tuberculosis: a systematic review – Clinical Microbiology and Infection

Conteúdos relacionados:

Summary | WHO recommendations on the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, 2020 update.

WHO announces updates on new molecular assays for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and drug resistance

WHO announces updated definitions of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis

Estudo randomizado | Angiografia coronariana por tomografia computadorizada precoce em pacientes com suspeita de síndrome coronariana aguda não melhorou o desfecho clínico de 1 ano.

4 Out, 2021 | 10:17h

Early computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome: randomised controlled trial – The BMJ


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Revisão sistemática | Testes de rotina para investigar câncer em pacientes com coágulos sanguíneos não provocados nas pernas e nos pulmões podem melhorar os desfechos?

4 Out, 2021 | 10:16h

Resumo: Does testing for cancer in people with unprovoked blood clots in the legs and lungs reduce cancer- and blood clot-related death and illness? – Cochrane Library

Artigo original: Effect of testing for cancer on cancer‐ or venous thromboembolism (VTE)‐related mortality and morbidity in people with unprovoked VTE – Cochrane Library

Revisão sistemática | Exercício é uma terapia efetiva para tratar dor lombar de longa duração?

4 Out, 2021 | 10:00h

Resumo: Is exercise an effective therapy to treat long-lasting low back pain? – Cochrane Library

Estudo original: Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain – Cochrane Library


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Estudo de coorte, revisão sistemática e metanálise | Biomarcadores de ingestão diária de gorduras, doença cardiovascular incidente e mortalidade por todas as causas.

1 Out, 2021 | 21:52h

Biomarkers of dairy fat intake, incident cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality: A cohort study, systematic review, and meta-analysis – PLOS Medicine


Sticking to low-fat dairy may not be the only heart healthy option, study shows – George Institute for Global Health

Expert reaction to cohort study and review on biomarkers of dairy fat intake, CVD and all-cause mortality – Science Media Centre

People who eat more dairy fat have lower risk of heart disease, study suggests – CNN

Revisão sistemática | Medidas não farmacológicas podem prevenir ou reduzir as infecções por Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) em instituições de longa permanência?

1 Out, 2021 | 18:48h

Comentário: Can non-pharmacological measures prevent or reduce Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in long term care facilities? – Cochrane Library

Estudo original: Non‐pharmacological measures implemented in the setting of long‐term care facilities to prevent SARS‐CoV‐2 infections and their consequences: a rapid review – Cochrane Library

M-A de estudos randomizados | Eficácia do exercício combinado com tratamento padrão para depressão comparada com o tratamento padrão isoladamente.

1 Out, 2021 | 18:24h

Efficacy of exercise combined with standard treatment for depression compared to standard treatment alone: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – Journal of Affective Disorders


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Revisão sistemática | Terapia com pressão positiva não invasiva das vias aéreas para melhora da disfunção erétil em homens com apneia obstrutiva do sono.

27 Set, 2021 | 13:06h

Non‐invasive positive airway pressure therapy for improving erectile dysfunction in men with obstructive sleep apnoea – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Non-invasive positive airway pressure therapy to improve erectile dysfunction in men with obstructive sleep apnoea – Cochrane Library

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