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Revisões Sistemáticas

Revisão sistemática | Impacto do rastreamento por tomografia computadorizada com baixa dose de radiação sobre a mortalidade relacionada a câncer de pulmão.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:29h

Impact of low‐dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening on lung cancer‐related mortality – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Impact of computed tomography (CT) on lung cancer screening – Cochrane Library

Conteúdos relacionados:

Association of computed tomography screening with lung cancer stage shift and survival in the United States: quasi-experimental study – The BMJ

Screening for Lung Cancer: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report.

USPSTF Statement: begin screening for lung cancer at age 50 years instead of 55 years for patients at risk

Meta-analysis: Lung cancer screening using low-dose computed tomography reduces lung cancer–specific mortality, albeit with a tradeoff of likely overdiagnosis


Coleção Cochrane | Atingindo a atenção sustentável à saúde por meio da retirada de medicamentos desnecessários.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:27h

Achieving sustainable healthcare through deprescribing of unnecessary medications: making sense of the evidence – Cochrane Library


M-A | Efetividade e segurança dos novos agentes injetáveis e orais para tratamento hospitalar de diabetes tipo 2 em enfermarias gerais.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:17h

Effectiveness and safety of new oral and injectable agents for in-hospital management of type 2 diabetes in general wards: systematic review and meta-analysis – Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice


M-A | Eficácia e segurança do bloqueio paravertebral para analgesia pós-operatória na cirurgia renal.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:12h

The efficacy and safety of paravertebral block for postoperative analgesia in renal surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – Frontiers in Surgery


Revisão sistemática | Curativos de hidrogel para úlceras venosas em membros inferiores.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:08h

Hydrogel dressings for venous leg ulcers – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Hydrogel dressings for venous leg ulcers – Cochrane Library


Revisão sistemática | Observação ativa para reabilitação de membro superior após AVC.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:07h

Action observation for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke – Cochrane Library


M-A | Papel da vacinação contra o papilomavírus humano (HPV) na infecção por esse vírus e na recorrência de doença relacionada a ele após tratamento cirúrgico local.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:03h

Role of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on HPV infection and recurrence of HPV related disease after local surgical treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis – The BMJ

Comunicado de imprensa: HPV vaccination alongside surgery for cervical lesions may reduce risk of further disease – BMJ Newsroom


M-A | Fatores de risco para prolapso de órgão pélvico primário e recorrente.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:02h

Risk factors for primary pelvic organ prolapse and prolapse recurrence: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis – American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology


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Fluxos menstruais intensos: evidência para ajudar a avaliar as opções de tratamento.

9 Ago, 2022 | 16:58h

Heavy periods: evidence to help you weigh up treatment options – Evidently Cochrane

Artigo original: Interventions for heavy menstrual bleeding; overview of Cochrane reviews and network meta‐analysis – Cochrane Library


M-A | Eficácia da doxiciclina para pneumonia adquirida na comunidade leve a moderada em adultos.

5 Ago, 2022 | 17:34h

Efficacy of Doxycycline for Mild-to-moderate Community-acquired Pneumonia in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials – Clinical Infectious Diseases (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)


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