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Revisões Sistemáticas

M-A | Qual a eficácia da indocianina verde na localização de nódulos pulmonares malignos?

22 Ago, 2022 | 14:27h

How effective is indocyanine green (ICG) in localization of malignant pulmonary nodules? A systematic review and meta-analysis – Frontiers in Surgery


M-A | Efeito da anestesia regional sobre o delirium pós-operatório.

22 Ago, 2022 | 14:26h

Effect of regional anesthesia on the postoperative delirium: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – Frontiers in Surgery


M-A | Eficácia e segurança da endoscopia biportal unilateral vs. outras cirurgias de coluna.

22 Ago, 2022 | 14:25h

Efficacy and safety of unilateral biportal endoscopy versus other spine surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis – Frontiers in Surgery


M-A | Vacinação com BCG em bebês e risco de tuberculose pulmonar e extrapulmonar ao longo da vida.

16 Ago, 2022 | 13:00h

Infant BCG vaccination and risk of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis throughout the life course: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis – The Lancet Global Health

Comentário convidado: Infant BCG vaccination is beneficial, but not sufficient – The Lancet Global Health

Comunicado de imprensa: BCG vaccine prevents tuberculosis in young children, but not adults – Boston University School of Public Health


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M-A em rede | Tocolíticos para retardar parto prematuro.

16 Ago, 2022 | 12:56h

Tocolytics for delaying preterm birth: a network meta‐analysis – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Are medicines that delay the start of labour (tocolytics) effective for delaying preterm birth? – Cochrane Library

Comunicado de imprensa: Preterm birth delay drugs safe for global reduction in neonatal death – University of Birmingham


M-A de estudos randomizados | Ácido tranexâmico profilático na redução de perda sanguínea e morbidades relacionadas durante a histerectomia.

16 Ago, 2022 | 12:38h

Prophylactic tranexamic acid to reduce blood loss and related morbidities during hysterectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – Obstetrics & Gynecology Science (PDF)


Revisão sistemática | Terapias psicológicas para distúrbios temporomandibulares.

16 Ago, 2022 | 12:30h

Psychological therapies for temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) – Cochrane Library

Resumo: What are the benefits and risks of psychological therapies for adults and young people over 12 years old with painful temporomandibular disorders (TMDs)? – Cochrane Library


M-A | Medicações para tratamento de hipertensão arterial pulmonar.

15 Ago, 2022 | 13:27h

Medications for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review and network meta-analysis – European Respiratory Review


M-A | Efeito da fluidoterapia direcionada a objetivos sobre a função renal em pacientes críticos.

15 Ago, 2022 | 13:21h

Effect of goal-directed fluid therapy on renal function in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Renal Failure


Revisão sistemática | Antibióticos inalados para exacerbações pulmonares na fibrose cística.

12 Ago, 2022 | 17:55h

Inhaled antibiotics for pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Inhaling antibiotics to treat temporary worsening of lung infection in people with cystic fibrosis – Cochrane Library


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