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Artigo de consenso | Indicações clínicas para procedimentos intervencionistas orientados por imagem no sistema musculoesquelético – Parte V: joelho.

27 Set, 2021 | 11:55h

Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)—part V, knee – European Radiology

Ver outros artigos da série: Consensus paper: Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system.

AAOS atualiza diretriz de prática clínica sobre osteoartrose do joelho.

27 Set, 2021 | 10:50h

Comunicado de imprensa: AAOS Updates Clinical Practice Guideline for Osteoarthritis of the Knee – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Resumo da diretriz: Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee (Non-Arthroplasty) (3rd Edition) – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Artigo completo: Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee (Non-Arthroplasty) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline

Diretriz de prática clínica KDIGO 2021 para o tratamento de doenças glomerulares.

27 Set, 2021 | 10:48h

KDIGO 2021 clinical practice guideline for the management of glomerular diseases – Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes

Resumo executivo: KDIGO 2021 Guideline for the Management of Glomerular Diseases – Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes

[Preprint] Estudo randomizado | Reforço vacinal com vacina heteróloga vs. homóloga em pacientes imunossuprimidos sem soroconversão de anticorpo contra SARS-CoV-2 após vacinação primária com vacina de mRNA.

12 Set, 2021 | 20:55h

Additional heterologous versus homologous booster vaccination in immunosuppressed patients without SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroconversion after primary mRNA vaccination: a randomized controlled trial – medRxiv


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Revisão | Complicações musculoesqueléticas após doença crítica.

3 Set, 2021 | 12:37h

Musculoskeletal complications following critical illness: A scoping review – Journal of Critical Care


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Função do diagnóstico por imagem na artrite psoriática: como, quando e por quê.

3 Set, 2021 | 12:35h

Role of diagnostic imaging in psoriatic arthritis: how, when, and why – Insights into Imaging

Revisão | COVID-19 e doenças inflamatórias imunomediadas: efeitos da doença e do tratamento sobre os desfechos de COVID-19 e as respostas vacinais.

3 Set, 2021 | 11:17h

COVID-19 and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: effect of disease and treatment on COVID-19 outcomes and vaccine responses – The Lancet Rheumatology


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Suplemento: o futuro dos inibidores seletivos JAK1 em reumatologia.

26 Ago, 2021 | 12:11h

Página principal: The future of JAK1 selective inhibitors – Rheumatology

How important is JAK1 selectivity?

JAK1: Number one in the family; number one in inflammation?

Early phase studies of JAK1 selective inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis

Phase III trials of JAK1 selective inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis

The safety of JAK-1 inhibitors

Clinical use of Jak 1 inhibitors for rheumatoid arthritis

JAK1 selective inhibitors for the treatment of spondyloarthropathies

JAK1 inhibition and inflammatory bowel disease

Diretriz ACOG | Prevenção, rastreamento e diagnóstico de osteoporose.

23 Ago, 2021 | 13:05h

Osteoporosis Prevention, Screening, and Diagnosis: ACOG Clinical Practice Guideline No. 1 – Obstetrics & Gynecology

FDA autoriza aplicação de dose adicional da vacina contra Covid-19 em indivíduos imunocomprometidos – As demais pessoas, já plenamente vacinadas, não precisam de dose adicional neste momento.

16 Ago, 2021 | 12:10h

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Additional Vaccine Dose for Certain Immunocompromised Individuals – U.S. Food & Drug Administration


Statement on FDA Authorization of Supplemental Vaccine Dose for Immunocompromised Patients – Infectious Diseases Society of America

CDC, FDA recommend COVID booster for immune-compromised – CIDRAP

FDA authorizes additional dose of Covid-19 vaccine for the immunocompromised – STAT

The fine print: Understanding the new policy authorizing extra Covid vaccine doses for the immunocompromised – STAT

Covid booster: US approves third jab for the immunocompromised – BBC

CDC Committee Approves Third Covid-19 Shot For Immunocompromised People—Here’s Who Should Get One – Forbes

CDC Panel Recommends 3rd Vaccine Dose For Immunocompromised People – NPR

6 Things To Know If You’re Immunocompromised And Considering A 3rd Shot – NPR

CDC recommends third Covid-19 vaccine dose for certain immunocompromised people – CNN


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