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Estudo de coorte diagnóstica | Diferenciação entre causas centrais e periféricas da vertigem aguda em ambiente de emergência com os testes HINTS, STANDING e ABCD2.

6 Set, 2021 | 16:13h

Differentiating central from peripheral causes of acute vertigo in an emergency setting with the HINTS, STANDING, and ABCD2 tests: A diagnostic cohort study – Academic Emergency Medicine (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Comentário: Can We Detect Central Vertigo on Exam? – Journal Feed

Estudo | Uso de macrolídeo está associado a zumbido incidente e prevalente.

23 Ago, 2021 | 12:49h

Macrolide-associated ototoxicity: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study to assess the association of macrolide use with tinnitus and hearing loss – Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Comentário: Macrolide Use and Tinnitus: A New Safety Ringtone? – NEJM Journal Watch (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Diretriz ASCO | Hipofunção de glândula salivar e/ou xerostomia induzida por terapias oncológicas não cirúrgicas.

19 Ago, 2021 | 12:12h

Salivary Gland Hypofunction and/or Xerostomia Induced by Nonsurgical Cancer Therapies: ISOO/MASCC/ASCO Guideline – Journal of Clinical Oncology

Imagem clínica | Mucormicose após COVID-19 em paciente com diabetes.

6 Ago, 2021 | 11:51h

Mucormycosis after COVID-19 in a patient with diabetes – The Lancet

Conteúdos relacionados:

COVID-19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm.

ECMM/ISHAM recommendations for clinical management of COVID -19 associated mucormycosis in low- and middle-income countries.

The “Black Fungus” in India: The Emerging Syndemic of COVID-19–Associated Mucormycosis – careful use of antibiotics and corticosteroids and closely monitoring blood glucose levels are some of the strategies suggested by the authors.

Multicenter Epidemiologic Study of Coronavirus Disease–Associated Mucormycosis, India – Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus was the most common underlying disease; improper glucocorticoid use was independently associated with the disease.

Opinion | “Doctors have been blamed for the rise in black fungus in India, but the COVID treatment guidelines could be contributing” – improper use of antibiotics and higher than usual doses of corticosteroids may be contributing to the emergence of mucormycosis and other fungal co-infections.

What is mucormycosis, the fungal infection affecting COVID patients in India?

[Preprint] The Emergence of COVID-19 Associated Mucormycosis: Analysis of Cases From 18 Countries.

Mucormycosis: The ‘black fungus’ maiming Covid patients in India

Global Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Mucormycosis

Qual é o melhor tratamento para perda auditiva grave em adultos – implantes cocleares ou aparelhos auditivos?

16 Jul, 2021 | 09:39h

Severe hearing loss in adults: finding out whether cochlear implants or hearing aids are better – Evidently Cochrane Blog


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