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Estudo de braço único fase 2 | Atividade do cabazitaxel no lipossarcoma dediferenciado localmente avançado metastático ou inoperável.

23 Ago, 2022 | 16:31h

Activity of Cabazitaxel in Metastatic or Inoperable Locally Advanced Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma: A Phase 2 Study of the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG) – JAMA Oncology (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Comentário convidado: Optimizing Histology-Specific Clinical Trials in Soft-Tissue Sarcoma—Are We There Yet? – JAMA Oncology (gratuito por tempo limitado)


Estudo | Quase metade das mortes globais por câncer se devem a fatores de risco, sendo tabagismo, uso de álcool e IMC alto os que mais contribuem.

23 Ago, 2022 | 16:28h

The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010–19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 – The Lancet

Comunicado de imprensa: The Lancet: Almost half of global cancer deaths are due to risk factors, with smoking, alcohol use, and high BMI the greatest contributors – Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation


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Análise agrupada de doença pulmonar intersticial relacionada a medicamentos e/ou pneumonite em 9 estudos de monoterapia com trastuzumabe deruxtecano.

22 Ago, 2022 | 16:34h

Pooled analysis of drug-related interstitial lung disease and/or pneumonitis in nine trastuzumab deruxtecan monotherapy studies – ESMO Open


Prompt recognition and treatment found effective for lung disease in patients who received new drug for advanced cancer – The Mount Sinai Health System

Trastuzumab deruxtecan-related ILD/pneumonitis characterized – medwire News

Conteúdo relacionado: Trastuzumab Deruxtecan-Induced Interstitial Lung Disease/Pneumonitis in ERBB2-Positive Advanced Solid Malignancies: A Systematic Review – Drugs


Revisão | Esôfago de Barrett.

22 Ago, 2022 | 16:06h

Barrett Esophagus: A Review – JAMA (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Revisão clínica em áudio: Barrett Esophagus – JAMA

Conteúdo relacionado: Diagnosis and Management of Barrett’s Esophagus: An Updated ACG Guideline – American Journal of Gastroenterology


Atualização de diretriz ASCO | Quimioterapia e terapia-alvo para câncer de mama metastático negativo para receptor 2 do fator de crescimento epidérmico humano, seja com pré-tratamento endocrinológico ou negativo para receptor hormonal.

22 Ago, 2022 | 15:59h

Chemotherapy and Targeted Therapy for Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2–Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer That Is Either Endocrine-Pretreated or Hormone Receptor–Negative: ASCO Guideline Rapid Recommendation Update – Journal of Clinical Oncology


Falando sobre morrer: conversas melhores no fim da vida.

22 Ago, 2022 | 15:57h

Talking about dying: better conversations at the end of life – Evidently Cochrane

Revisões originais:

Interventions for interpersonal communication about end of life care between health practitioners and affected people – Cochrane Library

Communicating with patients and families about illness progression and end of life: a review of studies using direct observation of clinical practice – BMC Palliative Care


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Revisão sistemática | Status menopausal, ultrassonografia e testes com biomarcadores em combinação para diagnóstico de câncer de ovário em mulheres sintomáticas.

22 Ago, 2022 | 15:55h

Menopausal status, ultrasound and biomarker tests in combination for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in symptomatic women – Cochrane Library

Resumo: What is the accuracy of different combinations of ultrasound imaging and blood tests to diagnose ovarian cancer in women before and after the menopause? – Cochrane Library


M-A | Associação entre imunoterápicos anticâncer e desfechos relatados pelos pacientes e avaliados em estudos clínicos randomizados.

22 Ago, 2022 | 15:51h

Association of Anticancer Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors With Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessed in Randomized Clinical Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Network Open


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M-A | Extensão da ressecção tumoral e sobrevida em pacientes pediátricos com gliomas de alto grau.

22 Ago, 2022 | 15:18h

Extent of Tumor Resection and Survival in Pediatric Patients With High-Grade Gliomas: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Network Open


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Estudo randomizado | TC torácica com radiografia vs. radiografia torácica para seguimento de câncer de pulmão de não pequenas células completamente ressecado.

22 Ago, 2022 | 14:56h

Chest CT scan plus x-ray versus chest x-ray for the follow-up of completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer (IFCT-0302): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial – The Lancet Oncology (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)


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