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Acurácia de uma equação baseada em cistatina C para estimar a taxa de filtração glomerular sem a inclusão de raça e sexo

31 Jan, 2023 | 12:41h

Cystatin C–Based Equation to Estimate GFR without the Inclusion of Race and Sex – New England Journal of Medicine (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Comentário: Cystatin C-Based Equation Accurate for Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate – HealthDay


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Revisão | Tratamento da lesão renal aguda em pacientes com cirrose.

6 Dez, 2022 | 11:57h

Management of AKI in Patients with Cirrhosis – Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology

Conteúdo relacionado: AGA Clinical Practice Update on the Evaluation and Management of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With Cirrhosis: Expert Review – Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology


M-A | Pressão arterial mais alta vs. alvos de normotensão na prevenção de lesão renal aguda.

28 Nov, 2022 | 14:46h

Higher blood pressure versus normotension targets to prevent acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials – Critical Care


Revisão | Desfechos médicos de longo prazo de doadores renais vivos.

28 Nov, 2022 | 14:30h

Long-term Medical Outcomes of Living Kidney Donors – Mayo Clinic Proceedings


Diretriz de posicionamento | Doença renal crônica como fator de risco cardiovascular na rotina de prática clínica.

17 Out, 2022 | 14:05h

Chronic kidney disease as cardiovascular risk factor in routine clinical practice: a position statement by the Council of the European Renal Association – Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation


Revisão | Ultrassonografia à beira do leito na nefrologia pediátrica.

17 Out, 2022 | 13:52h

Point-of-care ultrasound in pediatric nephrology – Pediatric Nephrology (se o acesso a este link for pago, tente este)


Estudo de coorte | Incidência, preditores e implicações clínicas de novos comprometimentos renais após intervenção coronariana percutânea.

17 Out, 2022 | 13:27h

Incidence, predictors and clinical implications of new renal impairment following percutaneous coronary intervention – openheart


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Revisão | Distúrbios ácido-básicos no paciente crítico.

17 Out, 2022 | 12:57h

Acid-Base Disorders in the Critically Ill Patient – Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology


Perspectiva | Hidroclorotiazida vs. clortalidona – qual a diferença?

17 Out, 2022 | 12:56h

Hydrochlorothiazide Versus Chlorthalidone–What is the Difference? – Circulation (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Conteúdos relacionados:

Meta-analysis: Chlorthalidone vs. hydrochlorothiazide

Large Observational Study Suggests Hydrochlorothiazide may be as Effective as Chlortalidone with Less Adverse Effects


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Relatório de consenso ADA/KDIGO | Tratamento do diabetes na doença renal crônica.

6 Out, 2022 | 13:02h

Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Consensus Report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) – Kidney International

Comunicado de imprensa: NEWS RELEASE: ADA & KDIGO Release Joint Consensus Report on Diabetes Management in CKD


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