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Medicina do Trabalho

Diretriz holandesa multidisciplinar sobre saúde ocupacional visando a aumentar a participação no trabalho entre pacientes com dor lombar e síndrome radicular lombossacral.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:37h

The Dutch Multidisciplinary Occupational Health Guideline to Enhance Work Participation Among Low Back Pain and Lumbosacral Radicular Syndrome Patients – Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

Opinião | Por que os americanos ainda – Ainda! – estão usando máscaras de tecido?

8 Out, 2021 | 11:21h

Why Are Americans Still—Still!—Wearing Cloth Masks? – The Atlantic

Conteúdos relacionados:

Evidence shows that, yes, masks prevent COVID-19 – and surgical masks are the way to go.

Face masks for COVID pass their largest test yet – “A rigorous study finds that surgical masks are highly protective, but cloth masks fall short”.

[Preprint] Largest study of masks yet details their importance in fighting Covid-19.


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Diretriz de orientação ACOEM | Prevenção de doenças ocupacionais relacionadas ao calor.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:15h

Prevention of Occupational Heat-Related Illnesses – Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Revisão sistemática | Exercício é uma terapia efetiva para tratar dor lombar de longa duração?

4 Out, 2021 | 10:00h

Resumo: Is exercise an effective therapy to treat long-lasting low back pain? – Cochrane Library

Estudo original: Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain – Cochrane Library


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Mais de um 1/3 dos pacientes com COVID-19 são posteriormente diagnosticados com pelo menos um sintoma de “long COVID”.

1 Out, 2021 | 20:22h

Comunicado de imprensa: Over a third of COVID-19 patients diagnosed with at least one long-COVID symptom – University of Oxford

Estudo original: Incidence, co-occurrence, and evolution of long-COVID features: A 6-month retrospective cohort study of 273,618 survivors of COVID-19 – PLOS Medicine


Two studies tie long COVID-19 to severe initial illness – CIDRAP

Covid: 37% of people have symptoms six months after infection – The Guardian

Long Covid is a bigger problem than we thought – CNN

Expert reaction to study looking at incidence and co-occurrence of long COVID symptoms following COVID-19 infection and also after influenza – Science Media Centre

OMS/ILO | Quase 2 milhões de pessoas morrem de causas relacionadas a trabalho a cada ano.

20 Set, 2021 | 13:50h

Comunicado de imprensa: WHO/ILO: Almost 2 million people die from work-related causes each year – World Health Organization

Relatório: WHO/ILO joint estimates of the work-related burden of disease and injury, 2000-2016: global monitoring report – World Health Organization


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[Preprint] O maior estudo sobre máscaras demonstrou a importância delas na luta contra a Covid-19.

3 Set, 2021 | 12:55h

Largest study of masks yet details their importance in fighting Covid-19 – NBC News

Estudo original: The Impact of Community Masking on COVID-19: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Bangladesh – Innovations for Poverty Action

Ver também: A Study In Bangladesh Tripled The Rate Of Mask-Wearing. Can It Help In The U.S.? – NPR


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Estudo randomizado | Uma única sessão de ensino de habilidades para controle da dor não foi inferior a 8 sessões de terapia cognitivo-comportamental em adultos com dor lombar crônica.

24 Ago, 2021 | 11:23h

Comparison of a Single-Session Pain Management Skills Intervention With a Single-Session Health Education Intervention and 8 Sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Network Open


Single two-hour session of pain management skills could offer as much benefit as longer-course of CBT – News Medical

New approach effectively relieves chronic low back pain – Stanford Medicine


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[Preprint] Transmissão de SARS-CoV-2 por aerossol em escolas: efetividade teórica de diferentes intervenções – “Intervenções combinadas (i.e., ventilação natural, máscaras e filtração HEPA) foram as mais eficazes (redução ≥ 30 vezes)”.

23 Ago, 2021 | 13:12h

SARS-CoV-2 aerosol transmission in schools: the effectiveness of different interventions – medRxiv

Conteúdo relacionado: The right way to protect our children and return to in-person learning – CNN


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Pesquisa | Maus-tratos no ambiente de trabalho são frequentemente reportados por residentes de medicina de emergência.

23 Ago, 2021 | 12:53h

Workplace Mistreatment Reported Frequently by Emergency Medicine Residents – HealthDay

Estudo original: Prevalence of Discrimination, Abuse, and Harassment in Emergency Medicine Residency Training in the US – JAMA Network Open


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