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Medicina de Emergências

Diretriz multidisciplinar | Tratamento da nefrolitíase na gestação.

20 Jan, 2022 | 19:59h

Management of Nephrolithiasis in Pregnancy: Multi-Disciplinary Guidelines From an Academic Medical Center – Frontiers in Surgery


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Estudo randomizado | Em pacientes submetidos a entubação endotraqueal, a sobrevida de 7 dias foi significativamente menor com etomidato vs. cetamina (77,3% vs. 85,1%), mas as taxas de sobrevida em 28 dias não foram significativamente diferentes (etomidato 64,1% vs. cetamina 66,8%, p = 0,294).

20 Jan, 2022 | 19:44h

Etomidate versus ketamine for emergency endotracheal intubation: a randomized clinical trial – Intensive Care Medicine

Comentário: SGEM#356: Drugs are gonna knock you out – etomidate vs. ketamine for emergency endotracheal intubation – The Skeptics’ Guide to EM


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Fluvoxamina para Covid-19: o que médicos e farmacêuticos precisam saber.

17 Jan, 2022 | 13:14h

Fluvoxamine: What Prescribers and Pharmacists Need to Know – Covid-19 Advisory for Ontario

Conteúdos relacionados:

Fluvoxamine for the early treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a review of current evidence.

RCT: Early treatment with fluvoxamine reduced the risk of emergency care and hospitalization among patients with COVID-19.

[Preprint] RCT: Fluvoxamine reduced the risk for ER visits and hospitalization among patients with Covid-19.

Opinion | Could this be our first effective, inexpensive, widely available outpatient treatment for COVID-19? (It’s fluvoxamine).

Preliminary study shows fluvoxamine may reduce clinical deterioration in outpatients with symptomatic COVID-19


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Diretriz de posicionamento AAN | Questões de consentimento no tratamento do AVC isquêmico agudo.

17 Jan, 2022 | 13:07h

Consent Issues in the Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke: AAN Position Statement – Neurology

Comunicado de imprensa: Who gives consent for treatment when a person with stroke cannot? – American Academy of Neurology

Revisão sistemática | Limiares restritivos de transfusão podem reduzir as transfusões de forma segura em até 41% em uma ampla variedade de contextos clínicos.

17 Jan, 2022 | 13:01h

Transfusion thresholds for guiding red blood cell transfusion – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Is it safe to use lower blood counts (haemoglobin levels) as a trigger for blood transfusion in order to give fewer blood transfusions? – Cochrane Library

Conteúdos relacionados:

RCT: Among patients with acute MI and anemia, a restrictive transfusion strategy resulted in a noninferior rate of major cardiovascular events compared to a liberal transfusion strategy

Randomized trial: Liberal vs. restrictive transfusion thresholds in extremely low-birth-weight infants

Meta-Analysis: Effects of Restrictive vs. Liberal Transfusion Strategies on Longer-term Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery

Randomized Trial: In Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery, A Restrictive Transfusion Approach Does Not Increase the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury

Effects of restrictive red blood cell transfusion on the prognoses of adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – Critical Care

Research: Restrictive or Liberal Red-Cell Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery

Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac Surgery: The TRACS Randomized Controlled Trial – JAMA


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Estudo randomizado | Rendesivir iniciado precocemente em pacientes ambulatoriais pode prevenir a progressão para Covid-19 grave.

13 Jan, 2022 | 21:18h

Early Remdesivir to Prevent Progression to Severe Covid-19 in Outpatients – New England Journal of Medicine

Editorial: The Goldilocks Time for Remdesivir — Is Any Indication Just Right?

Comentário: Three days of remdesivir cuts risk for severe COVID-19 in outpatients – MedicalXpress


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Outro estudo mostrou que as terapias com anticorpos monoclonais neutralizantes não são eficazes quando administradas depois de o paciente já estar internado.

13 Jan, 2022 | 21:13h

Efficacy and safety of two neutralising monoclonal antibody therapies, sotrovimab and BRII-196 plus BRII-198, for adults hospitalised with COVID-19 (TICO): a randomised controlled trial – The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Comentário convidado: Time to knock monoclonal antibodies off the platform for patients hospitalised with COVID-19

Estudo de coorte | Fatores associados ao paciente preditivos de apendicectomia dentro de 30 dias após o início da antibioticoterapia para apendicite – A presença de um apendicólito foi associada com cerca de 2 vezes mais risco de apendicectomia em 30 dias.

13 Jan, 2022 | 21:06h

Patient Factors Associated With Appendectomy Within 30 Days of Initiating Antibiotic Treatment for Appendicitis – JAMA Surgery (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Comentário convidado: Appendicoliths, Antibiotic Treatment Failure, and Appendectomy—Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty? – JAMA Surgery

Diretriz do Painel sobre Diretrizes de Tratamento da COVID-19 sobre anticoagulação em pacientes internados com COVID-19 – Na ausência de contraindicações, usar anticoagulação em dose terapêutica com heparina de baixo peso molecular para pacientes internados, mas não em UTI, que apresentem D-dímero acima do limite superior normal.

13 Jan, 2022 | 12:14h

The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel’s Statement on Anticoagulation in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 – NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

Diretriz sobre potenciais interações droga-droga entre ritonavir reforçado por nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) e medicações concomitantes; antiarrítmicos, anticoagulantes orais, imunossupressores, anticonvulsivantes, antineoplásicos e neuropsiquiátricos estão entre os medicamentos de preocupação.

13 Jan, 2022 | 12:12h

The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel’s Statement on Potential Drug-Drug Interactions Between Ritonavir-Boosted Nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) and Concomitant Medications – NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel


Pfizer antiviral pills may be risky with other medications – NBC News

The New COVID-19 Pill, Paxlovid, Interacts with Many Medications: Cardiac Patients Take Note – The Skeptical Cardiologist

Ver também: What’s New in the Guidelines – NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

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