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M-A | Fatores correlacionados a função física 1 ano após artroplastia total de joelho em pacientes com osteoartrite de joelho.

13 Jul, 2022 | 12:06h

Factors Correlated With Physical Function 1 Year After Total Knee Arthroplasty in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – JAMA Network Open


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M-A | Pouco benefício da viscossuplementação na osteoartrose de joelho.

12 Jul, 2022 | 11:52h

Viscosupplementation for knee osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis – The BMJ

Comunicado de imprensa: Scant evidence to recommend use of hyaluronic acid injections for knee osteoarthritis – BMJ Newsroom

Comentário: Common injections don’t help knee osteoarthritis more than placebo, large data review finds – STAT


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Diretriz 2022 da ACR para manejo perioperatório da medicação antirreumática em pacientes com doenças reumáticas submetidos a artroplastia eletiva total de quadril ou de joelho.

12 Jul, 2022 | 11:44h

2022 American College of Rheumatology/American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons Guideline for the Perioperative Management of Antirheumatic Medication in Patients With Rheumatic Diseases Undergoing Elective Total Hip or Total Knee Arthroplasty – Arthritis Care & Research (PDF)

Ver também: Guideline Summary (PDF)


Revisão sistemática | Nenhuma evidência apoia a meniscectomia parcial artroscópica em adultos com sintomas meniscais degenerativos e não obstrutivos.

6 Jul, 2022 | 10:48h

No evidence in support of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy in adults with degenerative and nonobstructive meniscal symptoms: a level I evidence-based systematic review – Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

M-A de estudos randomizados | Uso de torniquete na artroplastia total de joelho e risco de infecção.

5 Jul, 2022 | 11:23h

Tourniquet use in total knee arthroplasty and the risk of infection: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials – Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics

Estudo randomizado | Injeção intra-articular conjugada de diclofenaco-hialuronato para osteoartrite de quadril, tornozelo, ombro e cotovelo.

4 Jul, 2022 | 11:45h

Diclofenac–hyaluronate conjugate (diclofenac etalhyaluronate) intra-articular injection for hip, ankle, shoulder, and elbow osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial – BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

M-A | Acurácia da tomografia por emissão de pósitrons/tomografia computadorizada com fluorodeoxiglicose (FDG PET/CT) para diagnóstico de infecções articulares periprotéticas.

22 Jun, 2022 | 21:07h

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Accuracy of Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/ Computerized Tomography for Diagnosing Periprosthetic Joint Infections – Frontiers in Surgery

M-A | Efeito da dexametasona intravenosa na dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total de joelho.

12 Mai, 2022 | 14:59h

Effect of Intravenous Dexamethasone on Postoperative Pain in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Pain Physician

M-A | Comparação de diferentes estratégias na revisão de artroplastia de joelho com perda óssea grave.

6 Mai, 2022 | 16:40h

Comparison of Different Strategies in Revision Arthroplasty of the Knee with Severe Bone Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Outcomes – Journal of Arthroplasty

Estudo randomizado | Ultrassonografia pulsada de baixa intensidade não alivia os sintomas de pacientes com osteoartrite de joelho.

4 Mai, 2022 | 13:46h

Effect of Pulsed Low-Intensity Ultrasonography on Symptom Relief and Tibiofemoral Articular Cartilage Thickness Among Veterans Affairs Enrollees With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Network Open


Pulsed low-intensity ultrasonography shows no benefit in knee OA – medwire News

Hopes Dashed for Novel Osteoarthritis Treatment — Noninvasive therapy looked like a sure winner until trial results came in – MedPage Today (necessário cadastro gratuito)


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