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Perspectiva | Podemos nunca atingir a imunidade de rebanho de longo prazo para COVID. Contudo, se estivermos todos vacinados, estaremos salvos do pior.

5 Mai, 2021 | 09:34h

We may never achieve long-term global herd immunity for COVID. But if we’re all vaccinated, we’ll be safe from the worst – The Conversation

Ver também: Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe – The New York Times (necessário cadastro gratuito) E We May Never Get to Herd Immunity – Think Global Health

Diretriz Preliminar da USPSTF: Evidência insuficiente para recomendar suplementos multivitamínicos para prevenção de DCV ou câncer. A diretriz também recomenda não usar betacaroteno (risco aumentado de morte por DCV e câncer de pulmão) ou vitamina E (evidência clara de ausência de benefício).

5 Mai, 2021 | 09:31h

Draft Recommendation Statement: Vitamin, Mineral, and Multivitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Revisão Preliminar da Evidência: Vitamin, Mineral, and Multivitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer

Estudos apontam estresse dos alunos com as aulas online e poucos casos de Covid em escolas seguindo os protocolos sanitários

4 Mai, 2021 | 10:01h

COVID studies note online learning stress, fewer cases in schools with protocols – CIDRAP

Estudo 1: COVID-19 Infections Among Students and Staff in New York City Public Schools – Pediatrics

Estudo 2:  Household COVID-19 risk and in-person schooling – Science

Estudo 3: Caregiver Perceptions of Children’s Psychological Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic – JAMA Network Open E Editorial: It Is Time to End the Debate Over School Reopening

O novo coronavírus é realmente sazonal, sugere estudo

4 Mai, 2021 | 09:59h

Novel coronavirus really is seasonal, study suggests – LiveScience

Estudo Original: Climate and the spread of COVID-19 – Scientific Reports

[Preprint] Frequência de manifestações neurológicas na Covid-19: revisão sistemática e metanálise de 350 estudos – até 1/3 dos pacientes com Covid-19 analisados, 89% deles tendo sido hospitalizados, teve pelo menos uma manifestação neurológica

4 Mai, 2021 | 09:57h

Frequency of neurological manifestations in COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 350 studies – medRxiv

Comentário: Study finds one-third of COVID-19 patients experience neurological symptoms – News Medical

Relatório: As epidemias que não aconteceram – Lições a se aprender a partir de epidemias que foram controladas

3 Mai, 2021 | 10:47h

The Epidemics that Didn’t Happen – Prevent Epidemics

Comentários: ‘The next big one must be prevented’: The lessons the world can learn from epidemics that were contained – STAT E Former CDC director: We can prevent the next pandemic – CNN E Learning from the “Near Misses” – Global Health NOW


Análise: Por que a Índia está enfrentando um surto de COVID-19?

3 Mai, 2021 | 10:45h

Why is India having a covid-19 surge? – The BMJ

Ver também: India Is Counting Thousands Of Daily COVID Deaths. How Many Is It Missing? – NPR E Opinion: India’s covid-19 crisis is a dire warning for all countries – The Washington Post E India’s nightmare: Record high cases, vaccine shortages, hospital fires. – The New York Times E India coronavirus: New record deaths as virus engulfs India – BBC

Fortemente recomendado (vídeo): A cultura da medicina mata médicos e pacientes (com Dr. Robert Pearl)

3 Mai, 2021 | 10:38h

The Culture Of Medicine Kills Doctors And Patients (w/Dr. Robert Pearl) – ZDoggMD

Estudo: Apesar das diretrizes de práticas clínicas recomendarem rastreamento de câncer de colo de útero a cada 3 anos ou testes simultâneos citológico e de HPV a cada 5 anos, muitas mulheres são testadas com uma frequência muito maior

3 Mai, 2021 | 10:30h

Overuse of Cervical Cancer Screening Tests Among Women With Average Risk in the United States From 2013 to 2014 – JAMA Network Open

FDA afirma que irá banir todos os cigarros mentolados e charutos saborizados

30 Abr, 2021 | 09:04h

FDA says it will ban all menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars – STAT

Ver também: FDA Moves To Ban Cigarettes And Flavored Cigars – NPR

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