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Imunologia Pediátrica

Série de casos | 7 casos de miocardite após vacinação baseada em mRNA contra COVID-19.

17 Jun, 2021 | 11:00h

Myocarditis after BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccination – Circulation

Comentário: Study details the treatment of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis-like illness in 7 patients – News Medical

Relacionado: CDC says heart inflammation cases were higher than expected in 16- to 24-year-olds after second Covid vaccine shot, but still rare. E Israel reports link between rare cases of heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccination in young men. E CDC is investigating several reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed myocarditis after receiving mRNA vaccines. Most cases were mild, more often in males than females, more often following dose 2 than dose 1, and typically, within 4 days after vaccination.

Série de casos | Achados clínicos e de ressonância magnética em 4 casos de miocardite após vacinação baseada em mRNA contra COVID-19.

17 Jun, 2021 | 10:58h

Possible Association Between COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis: Clinical and CMR Findings – JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging

Comentário: Possible Association Between COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis – American College of Cardiology

Relacionado: CDC says heart inflammation cases were higher than expected in 16- to 24-year-olds after second Covid vaccine shot, but still rare. E Israel reports link between rare cases of heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccination in young men. E CDC is investigating several reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed myocarditis after receiving mRNA vaccines. Most cases were mild, more often in males than females, more often following dose 2 than dose 1, and typically, within 4 days after vaccination.

Série de casos | Miocardite sintomática aguda em 7 adolescentes após vacinação baseada em mRNA contra COVID-19.

17 Jun, 2021 | 10:57h

Symptomatic Acute Myocarditis in Seven Adolescents Following Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccination – Pediatrics

Relacionado: CDC says heart inflammation cases were higher than expected in 16- to 24-year-olds after second Covid vaccine shot, but still rare. E Israel reports link between rare cases of heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccination in young men. E CDC is investigating several reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed myocarditis after receiving mRNA vaccines. Most cases were mild, more often in males than females, more often following dose 2 than dose 1, and typically, within 4 days after vaccination.

Estudo de coorte mostrou que a incidência de Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica em Crianças (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – MIS-C) foi de 316 indivíduos em 1 milhão de infecções por SARS-CoV-2 em pessoas com menos de 21 anos. A incidência foi maior entre negros, hispânicos ou latinos, asiáticos e pessoas oriundas das ilhas do Pacífico.

14 Jun, 2021 | 11:20h

Incidence of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Among US Persons Infected With SARS-CoV-2 – JAMA Network Open

Comentário: MIS-C Incidence 316 Persons Per 1 Million SARS-CoV-2 Infections – HealthDay


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Sinopse | Atualizações das diretrizes de tratamento da asma pediátrica.

8 Jun, 2021 | 10:22h

Updates to the Pediatrics Asthma Management Guidelines – JAMA Pediatrics (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Diretriz original: 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines: A Report from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee Expert Panel Working Group

Estudo de coorte mostrou boa recuperação na maioria das crianças 6 meses após síndrome multissistêmica inflamatória pediátrica (pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome – PIMS-TS) associada ao SARS-CoV-2.

3 Jun, 2021 | 10:07h

6-month multidisciplinary follow-up and outcomes of patients with paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS-TS) at a UK tertiary paediatric hospital: a retrospective cohort study – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

Comentário: Most severe effects of MIS-C in children typically resolve within six months, new research suggests – CNN E Children who developed a rare inflammation disease after COVID-19 are mostly better after 6 months, but some still suffer fatigue and anxiety, a small UK study found – Insider E Most severe effects of PIMS-TS resolved at six months – HealthDay


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Diretrizes de práticas clínicas da ERS para o diagnóstico da asma em crianças de 5 a 16 anos.

20 Mai, 2021 | 10:45h

European Respiratory Society clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis of asthma in children aged 5–16 years – European Respiratory Journal

Estudo randomizado: Tezepelumabe pode reduzir as exacerbações em adultos e adolescentes com asma grave e não controlada.

14 Mai, 2021 | 09:57h

Tezepelumab in Adults and Adolescents with Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma – New England Journal of Medicine

Comentário: New drug shows promise against tough-to-manage asthma – MedicalXpress

Revisão sistemática: Combinação de dose fixa de beta-agonista e esteroide inalatório, usada quando necessário, é clinicamente eficaz em adultos e adolescentes com asma leve.

14 Mai, 2021 | 09:56h

Combination fixed‐dose beta agonist and steroid inhaler as required for adults or children with mild asthma – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Combination fixed-dose beta agonist and steroid inhaler as required for adults or children with mild asthma – Cochrane Library

Estudo randomizado: Colocação de tubo de timpanostomia não reduz episódios de otite média aguda entre crianças de 6 a 35 meses com doença recorrente.

13 Mai, 2021 | 10:11h

Tympanostomy Tubes or Medical Management for Recurrent Acute Otitis Media – New England Journal of Medicine

Comentário: No lasting benefit to tubes over antibiotics for childhood ear infections – University of Pittsburgh

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