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Hemato-oncologia Pediátrica

Estudo transversal | Subdiagnóstico e subtratamento de fatores de risco cardiovascular modificáveis entre sobreviventes de câncer infantil.

19 Jun, 2022 | 15:16h

Underdiagnosis and Undertreatment of Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Survivors of Childhood Cancer – Journal of the American Heart Association


Survivors of Childhood Cancer More Likely to Be Undertreated for CVD Risk Factors – AMJC

Childhood cancer survivors 80% more likely to be undertreated for cardiovascular risk factors – News Medical

Recomendações ESTRO ACROP e SIOPE para irradiação mieloablativa corporal total em crianças.

14 Jun, 2022 | 12:48h

ESTRO ACROP and SIOPE recommendations for myeloablative total body irradiation in children – Radiotherapy & Oncology

Análise de dados individuais de 258 registros de câncer em 61 países | Tendências mundiais na sobrevida de base populacional para crianças, adolescentes e jovens adultos diagnosticados com leucemia, por subtipo, entre 2000-2014.

13 Mai, 2022 | 12:40h

Worldwide trends in population-based survival for children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with leukaemia, by subtype, during 2000–14 (CONCORD-3): analysis of individual data from 258 cancer registries in 61 countries – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

Estimativas nacionais, regionais e globais de anemia conforme a gravidade em mulheres e crianças de 2000 a 2019.

21 Abr, 2022 | 12:09h

National, regional, and global estimates of anaemia by severity in women and children for 2000–19: a pooled analysis of population-representative data – The Lancet Global Health

Comentário convidado: Sustainable Development Goals for anaemia: 20 years later, where are we now? – The Lancet Global Health

Diretriz sobre a necessidade de contracepção relacionada a uso de medicamentos: informações sobre o uso adequado de medicamentos em pacientes com potencial reprodutivo.

1 Abr, 2022 | 12:00h

Guidance on the need for contraception related to use of pharmaceuticals: the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development Study Group for providing information on the proper use of pharmaceuticals in patients with reproductive potential

Estudo randomizado | Efeitos da transfusão de hemácias recém-irradiadas vs. irradiadas e armazenadas sobre a oxigenação cerebral de prematuros.

29 Mar, 2022 | 14:50h

Effects of Freshly Irradiated vs Irradiated and Stored Red Blood Cell Transfusion on Cerebral Oxygenation in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Pediatrics (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Editorial: Use of Irradiated Red Blood Cell Transfusions in Newborns to Improve Intracerebral Saturation – JAMA Pediatrics (gratuito por tempo limitado)


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Revisão | Achados em exames de imagem de tumores do trato gastrintestinal em crianças e adolescentes.

25 Mar, 2022 | 15:33h

Imaging findings of gastrointestinal tract tumors in children and adolescents – Insights into Imaging

Diretrizes sobre doença falciforme | Prevenção secundária de AVC em crianças e adolescentes.

23 Mar, 2022 | 11:47h

Guidelines on sickle cell disease: secondary stroke prevention in children and adolescents. Associação Brasileira de Hematologia, Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular guidelines project: Associação Médica Brasileira – 2022 – Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Conteúdo relacionado: RCT: In children with sickle cell anemia, hydroxyurea in moderate doses (20 mg/kg per day) is not better than low doses (10 mg/kg per day) for primary stroke prevention.

Podcast | Sobrevida do câncer pediátrico.

8 Mar, 2022 | 18:09h

#44: Pediatric Cancer Survivorship – Focusing on Thriving, Not Just Surviving – The Cribsiders

Diretriz | Tratamento da infecção por Clostridioides difficile em receptores de transplante de células hematopoiéticas.

3 Mar, 2022 | 15:47h

American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Series: #5 – Management of Clostridioides difficile infection in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients – Transplantation and Cellular Therapy

Ver outros artigos da série:

American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Series, 1: Enterobacterales Infection Prevention and Management after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation


American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Series, 2: Management and Prevention of Aspergillosis in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients


American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Series: #3—Prevention of Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation


American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Series: #4 – Cytomegalovirus treatment and management of resistant or refractory infections after hematopoietic cell transplantation

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