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Fisioterapia Respiratória

Breve revisão | Suporte não invasivo por capacete na insuficiência respiratória hipoxêmica.

21 Jun, 2022 | 12:50h

Helmet noninvasive support in hypoxemic respiratory failure – Intensive Care Medicine (se o acesso a este link for pago, tente este)


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[Preprint] Maior estudo para obter dados sobre COVID longa identifica uma ampla lista de diagnósticos.

16 Jun, 2022 | 13:51h

Comentário do estudo: Largest study to date on long COVID identifies a broad list of diagnoses – News Medical

Estudo original: Understanding Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection through Data-Driven Analysis with Longitudinal Electronic Health Records: Findings from the RECOVER Initiative – medRxiv


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Vídeo | Cuidado de pacientes com sintomas novos, contínuos ou recorrentes após infecção aguda por SARS-CoV-2.

6 Jun, 2022 | 11:27h

Care of Patients With New, Continuing, or Recurring Symptoms After Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection – Annals of Internal Medicine

Estudo de coorte retrospectiva | Discrepância racial e étnica na oximetria de pulso e identificação tardia da elegibilidade ao tratamento entre pacientes com COVID-19.

2 Jun, 2022 | 14:03h

Racial and Ethnic Discrepancy in Pulse Oximetry and Delayed Identification of Treatment Eligibility Among Patients With COVID-19 – JAMA Internal Medicine

Editorial: Racial and Ethnic Bias in Pulse Oximetry and Clinical Outcomes

Comentário: Study: Pulse oximeter devices overestimated blood oxygen levels in non-White patients with COVID-19 – News Medical

Conteúdos relacionados:

Racial Bias in Pulse Oximetry Measurement – New England Journal of Medicine

Pulse Oximetry for Monitoring Patients with Covid-19 at Home — A Pragmatic, Randomized Trial – New England Journal of Medicine

Effectiveness and safety of pulse oximetry in remote patient monitoring of patients with COVID-19: a systematic review – The Lancet Digital Health

FDA issues alert on ‘limitations’ of pulse oximeters, without explicit mention of racial bias – STAT

Pulse Oximeter Accuracy and Limitations: FDA Safety Communication – U.S. Food & Drug Administration


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10 erros frequentes durante a mobilização precoce na UTI.

1 Jun, 2022 | 13:38h

Ten Overlooked Mistakes During Early Mobilisation in the Intensive Care Unit – ICU Management & Practice

Conteúdos relacionados:

The prevention of pressure injuries in the positioning and mobilization of patients in the ICU: a good clinical practice document by the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) – Journal of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Critical Care

Systematic early versus late mobilization or standard early mobilization in mechanically ventilated adult ICU patients: systematic review and meta-analysis – Critical Care

M-A | Eficácia de intervenções fisioterápicas sobre o desmame de ventilação mecânica em pacientes críticos.

30 Mai, 2022 | 12:56h

Efficacy of Physiotherapy Interventions on Weaning in Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Frontiers in Medicine

Estratégias para prevenir pneumonia e eventos associados a ventilador mecânico e pneumonia adquirida no hospital em hospitais de cuidado agudo: atualização 2022.

24 Mai, 2022 | 11:55h

Strategies to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, ventilator-associated events, and nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update – Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology


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Revisão sistemática | Pré-habilitação vs. nenhuma pré-habilitação em melhora da capacidade funcional, redução de complicações pós-operatórias e melhora na qualidade de vida na cirurgia de câncer colorretal.

24 Mai, 2022 | 11:40h

Prehabilitation versus no prehabilitation to improve functional capacity, reduce postoperative complications and improve quality of life in colorectal cancer surgery – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Preparing a patient with bowel cancer for surgery with multiple interventions – Cochrane Library

O verdadeiro custo da pandemia para a saúde: quanto das nossas vidas a COVID roubou?

20 Mai, 2022 | 14:12h

The pandemic’s true health cost: how much of our lives has COVID stolen? – Nature


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Estudo de coorte | Desfechos de saúde em pessoas 2 anos depois de sobreviverem a internação por COVID-19.

16 Mai, 2022 | 16:42h

Health outcomes in people 2 years after surviving hospitalisation with COVID-19: a longitudinal cohort study – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Comunicado de imprensa: Two years after infection, half of people hospitalized with COVID-19 have at least one symptom, follow-up study suggests – Lancet

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