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Covid-19 (Temas de Saúde Pública)

Evidência sobre COVID-19: uma coletânea Cochrane.

23 Mai, 2022 | 13:36h

COVID-19 evidence: a Cochrane round-up – Cochrane Library

Covid-19 | OMS afirma que o segundo reforço de vacina pode ser benéfico em grupos de alto risco, mas tem um impacto “mínimo” para outros grupos.

23 Mai, 2022 | 13:31h

Covid-19: Second boosters may benefit at-risk groups but have “minimal” impact for others, says WHO – The BMJ

Diretriz original: Interim statement on the use of additional booster doses of Emergency Use Listed mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 – World Health Organization

Recomendações relacionadas:

COVID-19: Joint statement from ECDC and EMA on the administration of a fourth dose of mRNA vaccines –
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Second Booster Dose of Two COVID-19 Vaccines for Older and Immunocompromised Individuals – U.S. Food & Drug Administration

O verdadeiro custo da pandemia para a saúde: quanto das nossas vidas a COVID roubou?

20 Mai, 2022 | 14:12h

The pandemic’s true health cost: how much of our lives has COVID stolen? – Nature


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Opinião | Bill Gates e o destino da OMS.

20 Mai, 2022 | 14:05h

Offline: Bill Gates and the fate of WHO – The Lancet


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OMS | Segundo reforço da vacina contra COVID para os mais vulneráveis oferece benefícios.

19 Mai, 2022 | 13:15h

WHO: 2nd COVID booster for most vulnerable offers benefits – World Health Organization

[Preprint] Efetividade do segundo reforço da vacina contra COVID-19 sobra a mortalidade por todas as causas em residentes de instituições de cuidado de longo prazo e em idosos mais velhos: estudo nacional de coorte retrospectiva na Suécia.

19 Mai, 2022 | 13:13h

Effectiveness of a Second COVID-19 Vaccine Booster on All-Cause Mortality in Long-Term Care Facility Residents and in the Oldest Old: A Nationwide, Retrospective Cohort Study in Sweden – Preprints with The Lancet


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Disparidades étnicas na estimativa de excesso de mortalidade por causas externas nos EUA, de março a dezembro/2020.

16 Mai, 2022 | 16:24h

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Estimated Excess Mortality From External Causes in the US, March to December 2020 – JAMA Internal Medicine (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Editorial: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Estimated Excess Mortality From External Causes – JAMA Internal Medicine


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[Preprint] Modelagem da transmissão da variante Ômicron do SARS-CoV-2 na China.

12 Mai, 2022 | 15:18h

Modeling transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron in China – Nature Medicine


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Relatório OMS | 14,9 milhões de mortes a mais associadas com a pandemia de COVID-19 em 2020 e 2021.

10 Mai, 2022 | 14:30h

Comunicado de imprensa: 14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 – World Health Organization

Relatório original: Global excess deaths associated with COVID-19, January 2020 – December 2021 – World Health Organization


Covid-19: True global death toll from pandemic is almost 15 million, says WHO – The BMJ

WHO: Nearly 15 million died as a result of Covid-19 in first two years of pandemic – STAT

WHO notes 15 million excess deaths over 2 COVID years – CIDRAP

Conteúdos relacionados:

Estimating excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic analysis of COVID-19-related mortality, 2020–21 – The Lancet

“Excess deaths” is the best metric for tracking the pandemic – The BMJ

The pandemic’s true death toll: millions more than official counts – Nature

Effects of covid-19 pandemic on life expectancy and premature mortality in 2020: time series analysis in 37 countries – The BMJ

Under-reporting of deaths limits our understanding of true burden of covid-19 – The BMJ

Quantifying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic through life-expectancy losses: a population-level study of 29 countries – International Journal of Epidemiology

Just How Do Deaths Due to COVID-19 Stack Up? – Think Global Health


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Revisão sistemática | Intervenções no local de trabalho para reduzir o risco de infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 fora de ambientes de cuidado à saúde.

10 Mai, 2022 | 14:27h

Workplace interventions to reduce the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection outside of healthcare settings – Cochrane Library

Resumo: Interventions to reduce the risk of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2) infection among workers outside healthcare settings – Cochrane Library

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