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Diretriz USPSTF: Iniciar o rastreamento para câncer colorretal aos 45 anos para a maioria dos pacientes.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:39h

Screening for Colorectal Cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

Relatório de evidências: Screening for Colorectal Cancer: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force – JAMA

Editoriais: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations for Colorectal Cancer Screening: Forty-Five Is the New Fifty – JAMA E Updated USPSTF Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Screening: The Earlier the Better – JAMA Surgery E Colorectal Cancer Screening Starting at Age 45 Years—Ensuring Benefits Are Realized by All – JAMA Network Open

Estudo: Colorectal Cancer Screening: An Updated Modeling Study for the US Preventive Services Task Force – JAMA

Entrevista com o autor: USPSTF Recommendation: Screening for Colorectal Cancer

Página do paciente JAMA: Screening for Colorectal Cancer

Diretrizes Clínicas ACG: Prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das infecções por Clostridioides difficile.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:36h

ACG Clinical Guidelines: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infections – American Journal of Gastroenterology


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Diretrizes WSES-AAST: Tratamento da doença intestinal inflamatória no ambiente de emergência.

18 Mai, 2021 | 10:36h

WSES-AAST guidelines: management of inflammatory bowel disease in the emergency setting – World Journal of Emergency Surgery

Estudo de caso-controle mostra um aumento no risco de câncer colorretal em parentes de 1º grau de pacientes com pólipos colorretais.

10 Mai, 2021 | 10:58h

Risk of colorectal cancer in first degree relatives of patients with colorectal polyps: nationwide case-control study in Sweden – The BMJ

Comentários: Intestinal polyps in close relatives can increase risk of colorectal cancer – Karolinska Institutet E Relatives’ Colonoscopy Results Could Affect Your Colon Cancer Risk – HealthDay


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Diretriz nacional alemã sobre o tratamento de doença pilonidal.

10 Mai, 2021 | 10:44h

German National Guideline on the management of pilonidal disease: update 2020 – Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery

Revisão: Quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica para câncer ovariano e câncer colorretal.

7 Mai, 2021 | 10:23h

Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Ovarian and Colorectal Cancer: A Review – JAMA Oncology (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Estudo de coorte: Consumo de bebidas açucaradas entre adultos e adolescentes está relacionado a aumento do risco de câncer colorretal de início precoce em mulheres.

7 Mai, 2021 | 10:21h

Sugar-sweetened beverage intake in adulthood and adolescence and risk of early-onset colorectal cancer among women – Gut

Comentários: Daily intake of two or more sugar-sweetened drinks associated with higher bowel cancer risk – BMJ E Expert reaction to study looking at sugary drinks intake and incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer among women – Science Media Centre


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