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Cirurgia Torácica

Diretrizes para vestimentas no ambiente cirúrgico.

31 Mai, 2022 | 12:38h

Guidelines for clothing in the operating theatre, 2021 – Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine

100 artigos mais citados sobre enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS).

25 Mai, 2022 | 13:46h

Top 100 Most-Cited Articles on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualized Study – Frontiers in Surgery

Ver também: Complete List of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Guidelines

Estudo transversal | Avaliação de desfechos perioperatórios entre cirurgiões que operaram na noite anterior.

25 Mai, 2022 | 13:43h

Assessment of Perioperative Outcomes Among Surgeons Who Operated the Night Before – JAMA Internal Medicine (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Comentário convidado: Are Surgeons Really More Resilient Than Athletes? The Trade-off Between Surgeon Outcomes and Surgeon Well-being – JAMA Internal Medicine (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Entrevista com os autores: Assessment of Perioperative Outcomes Among Surgeons Who Operated the Night Before


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Recomendações de consensos internacionais para manejo anestésico e de terapia intensiva no transplante de pulmão.

12 Mai, 2022 | 15:12h

International consensus recommendations for anesthetic and intensive care management of lung transplantation. An EACTAIC, SCA, ISHLT, ESOT, ESTS, and AST approved document – The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Atualização sobre ablação pulmonar térmica guiada por imagem: diretrizes de sociedade, alternativas terapêuticas e achados de imagem pós-ablação.

6 Mai, 2022 | 16:28h

Update on Image-Guided Thermal Lung Ablation: Society Guidelines, Therapeutic Alternatives, and Postablation Imaging Findings – American Journal of Roentgenology

Estudo randomizado | Segmentectomia resultou em desfechos melhores do que a lobectomia no câncer de pulmão não pequenas células de pequeno tamanho periférico.

27 Abr, 2022 | 15:45h

Segmentectomy versus lobectomy in small-sized peripheral non-small-cell lung cancer (JCOG0802/WJOG4607L): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial – The Lancet (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

M-A | Efeito clínico e segurança das novas diretrizes sobre o tempo de jejum pré-operatório para cirurgias eletivas.

14 Abr, 2022 | 16:54h

The clinical effect and safety of new preoperative fasting time guidelines for elective surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Gland Surgery

Conteúdos relacionados:

An international multidisciplinary consensus statement on fasting before procedural sedation in adults and children – Anaesthesia

Does my hospitalized patient need an NPO-after-midnight order preoperatively?

ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical nutrition in surgery – “Preoperative fasting from midnight is unnecessary in most patients. Patients undergoing surgery, who are considered to have no specific risk of aspiration, shall drink clear fluids until 2 h before anesthesia. Solids shall be allowed until 6 h before anesthesia.”

Pro-Con Debate: 1- vs 2-Hour Fast for Clear Liquids Before Anesthesia in Children.

Editorial: The rationale for the recommendations of the European Pediatric Fasting Guideline – “the authors of the 2021 ESAIC pediatric guideline have found reasons to recommend reductions to the minimum fasting times for infant formula to 4 h, for breast milk to 3 h and for clear fluids to 1 h”.

Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration: Application to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective Procedures: An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration

Perioperative fasting in adults and children: guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology

Clear fluids fasting for elective paediatric anaesthesia: The European Society of Anaesthesiology consensus statement – European Journal of Anaesthesiology

Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society statement on clear fluid fasting for elective pediatric anesthesia – Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (gratuito)

Estudo randomizado | Nivolumabe neoadjuvante com quimioterapia no câncer ressecável de pulmão.

14 Abr, 2022 | 16:46h

Neoadjuvant Nivolumab plus Chemotherapy in Resectable Lung Cancer – New England Journal of Medicine

Comunicado de imprensa: Immunotherapy Plus Chemotherapy Before Surgery Improves Outcomes for Patients with Lung Cancer – Johns Hopkins Medicine


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Empiema: apresentação em departamento de emergência, avaliação e tratamento.

14 Abr, 2022 | 16:38h

Empyema: ED Presentation, Evaluation, and Management – emDocs

Estudo quase experimental | Associação do rastreamento por tomografia computadorizada com mudança de estágio do câncer de pulmão no diagnóstico e sobrevida.

1 Abr, 2022 | 12:21h

Association of computed tomography screening with lung cancer stage shift and survival in the United States: quasi-experimental study – The BMJ

Editorial: Screening high risk populations for lung cancer

Comunicado de imprensa: US lung cancer screening linked to earlier diagnosis and better survival – British Medical Journal

Conteúdos relacionados:

Screening for Lung Cancer: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report.

USPSTF Statement: begin screening for lung cancer at age 50 years instead of 55 years for patients at risk

Meta-analysis: Lung cancer screening using low-dose computed tomography reduces lung cancer–specific mortality, albeit with a tradeoff of likely overdiagnosis


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