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Acesso livre

Cirurgia Geral e Trauma

Estudo randomizado | Agentes antissépticos cutâneos para prevenir infecção de sítio cirúrgico após cirurgia incisional.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:33h

Antiseptic Skin Agents to Prevent Surgical Site Infection After Incisional Surgery: A Randomized, Three-armed Combined Non-inferiority and Superiority Clinical Trial (NEWSkin Prep Study) – Annals of Surgery (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Conteúdos relacionados:

Alcoholic chlorhexidine skin preparation or triclosan-coated sutures to reduce surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of high-quality randomised controlled trials – The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Reducing surgical site infections in low-income and middle-income countries (FALCON): a pragmatic, multicentre, stratified, randomised controlled trial – The Lancet


Diretriz de posicionamento | Ressuscitação de pacientes com sangramento via oclusão da aorta com balão.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:21h

Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in Canada: a context-specific position paper from the Canadian Collaborative for Urgent Care Surgery (CANUCS) – Canadian Journal of Surgery


Revisão sistemática | Avaliação da orientação diagnóstica para lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior em centros de trauma.

9 Ago, 2022 | 17:18h

Evaluating the diagnostic pathway for acute ACL injuries in trauma centres: a systematic review – BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Revisão sistemática de 391 casos relatados | Distúrbios hipertensivos na gestação complicada por ruptura hepática ou hematoma.

13 Jul, 2022 | 11:55h

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy complicated by liver rupture or hematoma: a systematic review of 391 reported cases – World Journal of Emergency Surgery


É preciso repetir a TC nas lesões renais contusas não complicadas? Experiências de um centro de trauma urológico de alto volume.

13 Jul, 2022 | 11:49h

Do we need repeated CT imaging in uncomplicated blunt renal injuries? Experiences of a high-volume urological trauma centre – World Journal of Emergency Surgery


Atualizações de 2021 sobre coagulação e transfusão.

8 Jul, 2022 | 11:09h

Coagulation and Transfusion Updates from 2021 – Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia


Estudo de coorte | Metade dos pacientes não internados com lesão leve na cabeça experimenta recuperação incompleta após 3 meses.

7 Jul, 2022 | 12:03h

Incomplete recovery in patients with minor head injury directly discharged home from the emergency department: a prospective cohort follow-up study – BMJ Open

Série Lancet | Rota segura 2022.

6 Jul, 2022 | 11:19h

Página principal: Road Safety 2022 (necessário cadastro gratuito para todos os artigos)

Editorial: Road safety: more than reducing injuries

The political and social contexts of global road safety: challenges for the next decade

Saving lives through road safety risk factor interventions: global and national estimates

Improvement in trauma care for road traffic injuries: an assessment of the effect on mortality in low-income and middle-income countries


The Lancet: Improving road safety measures could save half a million lives every year worldwide – Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

New research: Up to 540,000 lives could be saved worldwide by targeting speed and other main areas – George Washington University

Improving trauma care for road traffic injuries could save many lives in lower income countries – Weill Cornell Medical College

Casos EM | Os 7 “T” dos protocolos de hemorragia maciça.

6 Jul, 2022 | 10:44h

EM Cases: The 7 Ts of Massive Hemorrhage Protocols – emDocs

Estudo randomizado | Imobilização de fraturas do tipo tórus do pulso em crianças.

5 Jul, 2022 | 11:53h

Immobilisation of torus fractures of the wrist in children (FORCE): a randomised controlled equivalence trial in the UK – The Lancet


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