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Cirurgia Cardíaca

Estudo de coorte | Crescimento de aneurisma, sobrevida e qualidade de vida em aneurismas aórticos torácicos não tratados.

13 Jul, 2022 | 12:07h

Aneurysm growth, survival, and quality of life in untreated thoracic aortic aneurysms: the effective treatments for thoracic aortic aneurysms study – European Heart Journal

Comentário: Growth, Survival, Quality of Life in Untreated Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms – American College of Cardiology


Regurgitação tricúspide: avanços recentes no entendimento da fisiopatologia, dos níveis de gravidade e dos desfechos.

8 Jul, 2022 | 11:10h

Tricuspid regurgitation: recent advances in understanding pathophysiology, severity grading and outcome – European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging


Estudo de coorte baseado em registro | Intervenções em adultos com reparo prévio em coarctação da aorta.

8 Jul, 2022 | 11:05h

Interventions in Adults With Repaired Coarctation of the Aorta – Journal of the American Heart Association


Xenotransplante cardíaco: desafios, evolução e avanços.

21 Jun, 2022 | 12:37h

Cardiac Xenotransplantation: Challenges, Evolution, and Advances – JACC: Basic to Translational Science

Comunicado de imprensa: New review paper proposes framework for advancing application of animal-to-human transplantation – American College of Cardiology

Comentário: Many Hurdles to Clear Before Cardiac Xenotransplantation Takes Off – TCTMD

Conteúdos relacionados:

In 1st, US surgeons transplant pig heart into human patient – Associated Press

Results of Two Cases of Pig-to-Human Kidney Xenotransplantation – New England Journal of Medicine (link para o resumo – $ para o texto completo)

Moving xenotransplantation research into human trials will require adjusting our expectations, researchers say – STAT

After a flurry of firsts, xenotransplantation is suddenly back in the spotlight – STAT

M-A | Aguda ou subaguda, o momento ideal para reparo endovascular na dissecção aórtica não complicada do tipo B.

19 Jun, 2022 | 16:07h

Acute or Subacute, the Optimal Timing for Uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – Frontiers in Surgery

Coarctação isolada da aorta: conceitos atuais e perspectivas.

19 Jun, 2022 | 14:03h

Isolated Coarctation of the Aorta: Current Concepts and Perspectives – Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine

Revisão | Tratamento anticoagulante pós-cirurgia cardíaca na fibrilação atrial de início recente.

14 Jun, 2022 | 12:56h

Anticoagulation management of post-cardiac surgery new-onset atrial fibrillation – Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine

Estudo randomizado exploratório sugere que a ressonância magnética cardiovascular diagnostica acuradamente a rejeição de aloenxerto cardíaco no primeiro ano pós-transplante.

13 Jun, 2022 | 14:29h

Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Rejection Surveillance After Cardiac Transplantation – Circulation

Comunicado de imprensa: Virtual biopsy set to transform heart transplant care – Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute


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Estudo de autópsias: metástases cardíacas de tumores sólidos.

13 Jun, 2022 | 13:44h

Cardiac Metastasis From Solid Cancers: A 35-Year Single-Center Autopsy Study – Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Diretrizes para vestimentas no ambiente cirúrgico.

31 Mai, 2022 | 12:38h

Guidelines for clothing in the operating theatre, 2021 – Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine

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