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Ex-diretor do CDC: É Preciso destinar vacinas contra Covid-19 para onde elas são mais necessárias.

19 Mai, 2021 | 09:44h

Former CDC director: Direct Covid-19 vaccines to where they’re needed most – CNN


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WHO: É urgente que as nações ricas atrasem a vacinação contra Covid em jovens e doem as vacinas num esquema de solidariedade.

17 Mai, 2021 | 09:32h

COVID-19: Wealthy nations urged to delay youth vaccines, donate to solidarity scheme – United Nations

Comentários: Vaccinate vulnerable global poor before children in rich countries, WHO says – The Guardian E Covid: Delay child vaccinations and share jabs with Covax, says WHO – BBC

Relacionado: Editorial: Vaccinating children against SARS-CoV-2 – “Hard to justify right now for most children in most countries”.

Cuidado desnecessário? 1 em 3 pacientes com demência avançada e fibrilação atrial ainda recebem anticoagulantes.

17 Mai, 2021 | 09:19h

Unnecessary care? 1 in 3 patients with advanced dementia and AFib still given anticoagulants – Cardiovascular Business

Estudo original: Anticoagulant Use for Atrial Fibrillation Among Persons With Advanced Dementia at the End of Life – JAMA Internal Medicine (gratuito por período limitado)

Editorial: Anticoagulation at the End of Life: Time for a Rational Framework (gratuito por período limitado)

Opinião | Como dar suporte para substitutos que tomam decisões médicas para pacientes criticamente doentes.

17 Mai, 2021 | 09:17h

Reconceptualizing How to Support Surrogates Making Medical Decisions for Critically Ill Patients – JAMA (gratuito por tempo limitado)

Perspectiva | Infodemia de Covid-19 – Aplicação de modelo epidemiológico para conter a desinformação.

14 Mai, 2021 | 10:13h

The Covid-19 Infodemic — Applying the Epidemiologic Model to Counter Misinformation – New England Journal of Medicine

Comentário: Treating the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’ as an epidemic – University of Pennsylvania

Editorial: Vacinação de crianças contra o SARS-CoV-2 – “Para a maioria das crianças, na maioria dos países, é difícil justificar neste momento.”

14 Mai, 2021 | 10:09h

Vaccinating children against SARS-CoV-2 – The BMJ

Relacionado: Pfizer COVID-19 shot expanded to US children as young as 12.

Opinião | Vamos banir o termo “paciente” do léxico do cuidado médico.

14 Mai, 2021 | 09:53h

Let’s banish the term ‘patient’ from the health care lexicon – STAT

Relatório | COVID-19: Que seja a última pandemia.

13 Mai, 2021 | 10:18h

COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic – Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Comentários: Report of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response: making COVID-19 the last pandemic – The Lancet E WHO ‘needs more powers’ says independent panel co-chair Helen Clark – Devex E COVID-19 Was ‘A Preventable Disaster,’ WHO-Ordered Report Says – NPR E How the world failed to curb COVID – Nature E Panel suggests WHO should have more power to stop pandemics – Associated Press E ‘A toxic cocktail:’ Panel delivers harsh verdict on the world’s failure to prepare for pandemic – Science E Covid: Serious failures in WHO and global response, report finds – BBC E Covid pandemic should serve as ‘Chernobyl moment’ for global health reform, international experts say – STAT


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Opinião | Crianças americanas podem esperar – “Os EUA deveriam retardar a vacinação de crianças até que a capacidade global de fabricação de vacinas seja expandida e a crise na Índia diminua.”

13 Mai, 2021 | 10:14h

American Kids Can Wait – The Atlantic


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Aprovação da vacina da Pfizer contra COVID-19 para crianças norte-americanas a partir dos 12 anos de idade.

12 Mai, 2021 | 10:28h

Pfizer COVID-19 shot expanded to US children as young as 12 – Associated Press

Contraponto: Covid vaccines for children should not get emergency use authorization – The BMJ Opinion

Comentários: Covid-19: FDA authorises Pfizer vaccine for children 12-15 – The BMJ E Expert reaction to U.S. FDA authorising Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in adolescents – Science Media Centre

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