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Saúde Pública/Medicina Humanitária

Choosing Wisely | Sete perguntas que médicos e residentes/pacientes deveriam fazer nos cuidados de longo prazo.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:48h

Seven Things Physicians and Residents/Patients Should Question – Canadian Society for Long Term Care Medicine

Ver listas completas de práticas de baixo valor: Choosing Wisely U.S. / Choosing Wisely UK / Choosing Wisely Australia E Choosing Wisely Canada

Recomendações da EMA sobre doses extras e de reforço das vacinas mRNA da BioNTech/Pfizer e da Moderna.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:26h

Comirnaty and Spikevax: EMA recommendations on extra doses and boosters – European Medicines Agency

Conteúdo relacionado: The difference between COVID-19 ‘third doses’ and ‘boosters’ – Emory News Center


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Estudo de coorte | Efeitos dos lockdowns ocorridos na pandemia de COVID-19 sobre as cirurgias oncológicas eletivas para 15 tipos de tumores em 61 países.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:25h

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study – The Lancet Oncology


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O que se sabe – e o que não se sabe – sobre a nova pílula da Merck para Covid-19.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:23h

What we know — and don’t know — about Merck’s new Covid-19 pill – STAT

Conteúdos relacionados:

[Press release – not published yet] Merck announces oral antiviral Molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by approximately 50 Percent compared to placebo for patients with mild or moderate COVID-19.

Merck’s Covid-19 pill is great news but may not be a game-changer.

Video | A Pill For COVID? A Doctor Explains Molnupiravir.

Opinião | Por que os americanos ainda – Ainda! – estão usando máscaras de tecido?

8 Out, 2021 | 11:21h

Why Are Americans Still—Still!—Wearing Cloth Masks? – The Atlantic

Conteúdos relacionados:

Evidence shows that, yes, masks prevent COVID-19 – and surgical masks are the way to go.

Face masks for COVID pass their largest test yet – “A rigorous study finds that surgical masks are highly protective, but cloth masks fall short”.

[Preprint] Largest study of masks yet details their importance in fighting Covid-19.


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Suplemento | Triunfos da vacinação.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:05h

Página principal: Triumphs of Vaccination – The Journal of Infectious Diseases

Triumphs of Immunization

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Hib Vaccines: Their Impact on Haemophilus influenzae Type b Disease

The Rotavirus Vaccine Story: From Discovery to the Eventual Control of Rotavirus Disease

Hepatitis B Vaccines

Triumph of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines: Overcoming a Common Foe

Rubella Eradication: Not Yet Accomplished, but Entirely Feasible

Human Papillomavirus Vaccines


Live Attenuated Varicella Vaccine: Prevention of Varicella and of Zoster

Immunization Against Poliomyelitis and the Challenges to Worldwide Poliomyelitis Eradication

Influenza Vaccines: Successes and Continuing Challenges

Measles in the 21st Century: Progress Toward Achieving and Sustaining Elimination

Herpes Zoster Vaccines

Overview of the United States’ Immunization Program

The World of Immunization: Achievements, Challenges, and Strategic Vision for the Next Decade

No fim das contas, o sal faz bem? Evidências dizem que não.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:00h

Is salt good for you after all? The evidence says no – The Conversation

Conteúdos relacionados:

#ESCCongress – Cluster RCT: Among patients at increased risk for stroke, salt substitution (75% sodium chloride and 25% potassium chloride by mass) reduced the rates of stroke, major cardiovascular events, and death from any cause.

Systematic Review: Altered dietary salt intake for people with chronic kidney disease.

New WHO benchmarks help countries reduce salt intake and save lives.

RCT: Reduced-sodium added-potassium salt substitute reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients

Potassium Enriched Salt Substitution Could Prevent a Large Number of Cardiovascular Deaths

Meta-Analysis: Effect of Reduction in Dietary Sodium on Blood Pressure Levels

Cluster Randomized Trial: Effect of Salt Substitution on Community-wide Blood Pressure and Hypertension Incidence

Estudo de coorte | Efetividade da vacina da Pfizer contra qualquer infecção caiu de 88% no 1º mês após a vacinação completa para 47% após 5 meses. A efetividade da vacina contra internações permaneceu alta: 87% em 1 mês e 88% depois de 5 meses da vacinação completa, sem declínio significativo.

5 Out, 2021 | 11:36h

Effectiveness of mRNA BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine up to 6 months in a large integrated health system in the USA: a retrospective cohort study – The Lancet

Comentário: Expert reaction to study on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine effectiveness up to 6 months – Science Media Centre


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Estudo de coorte | Miocardite aguda após vacina de mRNA contra COVID-19 em maiores de 18 anos é rara, e a maioria dos casos não é grave.

5 Out, 2021 | 11:34h

Acute Myocarditis Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Adults Aged 18 Years or Older – JAMA Internal Medicine

Editorial: COVID-19 Messenger RNA Vaccination and Myocarditis—A Rare and Mostly Mild Adverse Effect


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Nova Zelândia reconhece que não conseguirá mais ficar completamente livre do coronavírus.

5 Out, 2021 | 11:29h

New Zealand acknowledges it can no longer completely get rid of the coronavirus – NPR

Ver também:

Navigating from SARS-CoV-2 elimination to endemicity in Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Singapore – The Lancet

New Zealand admits it can no longer get rid of coronavirus – Associated Press

Battling Delta, New Zealand Abandons Its Zero-Covid Ambitions – The New York Times

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