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Estudo randomizado por cluster | Nenhum valor adicional de duloxetina para pacientes com dor crônica decorrente de osteoartrite de quadril ou joelho.

20 Jan, 2022 | 19:41h

No added value of duloxetine for patients with chronic pain due to hip or knee osteoarthritis: a cluster randomised trial – Arthritis & Rheumatism

Análise | Sarcopenia: prevenção precoce ou “overdiagnosis”?

20 Jan, 2022 | 16:13h

Sarcopenia: early prevention or overdiagnosis? – The BMJ

Conteúdo relacionado: Overdiagnosis: it’s official – the term is now included in the medical subject headings (MeSH) vocabulary. (vários artigos sobre o tema)


Comentário do autor no Twitter


Consenso sobre definição de caso clínico de pós-COVID-19 causada pela variante Delta.

13 Jan, 2022 | 21:12h

A clinical case definition of post-COVID-19 condition by a Delphi consensus – The Lancet Infectious Diseases


Comentário no Twitter


Podcast | Dicas sobre “long COVID”.

13 Jan, 2022 | 12:07h

#315 Long COVID with Dr. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez – The Curbsiders

Diretriz alemã | Oxigenoterapia no cuidado agudo de pacientes adultos.

13 Jan, 2022 | 12:00h

German S3 Guideline: Oxygen Therapy in the Acute Care of Adult Patients – Respiration

M-A | Fadiga e comprometimento cognitivo na síndrome pós-COVID-19.

12 Jan, 2022 | 13:05h

Fatigue and cognitive impairment in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis – Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

Diretriz de consenso | Tratamento de lesões combinadas ao ligamento cruzado anterior e ao complexo ligamentar colateral medial.

17 Dez, 2021 | 12:09h

Treatment of Combined Injuries to the ACL and the MCL Complex: A Consensus Statement of the Ligament Injury Committee of the German Knee Society (DKG) – Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

Diretriz de prática clínica baseada em evidências | Tratamento de fraturas de quadril em idosos.

16 Dez, 2021 | 12:58h

Management of Hip Fractures in Older Adults Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Resumo: Management of Hip Fractures in Older Adults – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Comunicado de imprensa: AAOS Updates Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Hip Fractures in Older Adults

Revisão | Impacto da obesidade na doença grave.

16 Dez, 2021 | 12:44h

Impact of Obesity in Critical Illness – CHEST

Metanálise | Tratamento da tendinopatia patelar.

16 Dez, 2021 | 12:40h

Management of patellar tendinopathy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised studies – BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine

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