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Qualidade/Segurança do Paciente

Perspectiva | A UTI resiliente.

28 Abr, 2022 | 12:01h

The resilient intensive care unit – Annals of Intensive Care


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Opinião | Alinhando os incentivos para melhorar a excelência diagnóstica.

14 Abr, 2022 | 16:56h

Aligning Incentives for Improving Diagnostic Excellence – JAMA (gratuito por tempo limitado)

M-A | Efeito clínico e segurança das novas diretrizes sobre o tempo de jejum pré-operatório para cirurgias eletivas.

14 Abr, 2022 | 16:54h

The clinical effect and safety of new preoperative fasting time guidelines for elective surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Gland Surgery

Conteúdos relacionados:

An international multidisciplinary consensus statement on fasting before procedural sedation in adults and children – Anaesthesia

Does my hospitalized patient need an NPO-after-midnight order preoperatively?

ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical nutrition in surgery – “Preoperative fasting from midnight is unnecessary in most patients. Patients undergoing surgery, who are considered to have no specific risk of aspiration, shall drink clear fluids until 2 h before anesthesia. Solids shall be allowed until 6 h before anesthesia.”

Pro-Con Debate: 1- vs 2-Hour Fast for Clear Liquids Before Anesthesia in Children.

Editorial: The rationale for the recommendations of the European Pediatric Fasting Guideline – “the authors of the 2021 ESAIC pediatric guideline have found reasons to recommend reductions to the minimum fasting times for infant formula to 4 h, for breast milk to 3 h and for clear fluids to 1 h”.

Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration: Application to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective Procedures: An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration

Perioperative fasting in adults and children: guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology

Clear fluids fasting for elective paediatric anaesthesia: The European Society of Anaesthesiology consensus statement – European Journal of Anaesthesiology

Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society statement on clear fluid fasting for elective pediatric anesthesia – Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (gratuito)

Choosing Wisely na prática clínica | Abraçar o pensamento crítico e lutar por um cuidado mais seguro.

24 Mar, 2022 | 12:23h

Choosing Wisely in clinical practice: Embracing critical thinking, striving for safer care – Journal of Internal Medicine

Ver lista completa de práticas de baixo valor: Choosing Wisely U.S. / Choosing Wisely UK / Choosing Wisely Australia E Choosing Wisely Canada

Revisão | Quando operar após infecção por SARS-CoV-2?

23 Mar, 2022 | 12:02h

When to operate after SARS-CoV-2 infection? A review on the recent consensus recommendation of the DGC/BDC and the DGAI/BDA – Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery

Conteúdos relacionados:

Guideline Update: Timing of elective surgery and risk assessment after SARS-CoV-2 infection – “The guidance remains that patients should avoid elective surgery within 7 weeks of infection, unless the benefits of doing so exceed the risk of waiting”.

Perioperative cardiovascular considerations prior to elective noncardiac surgery in patients with a history of Covid-19.

Guideline: SARS‐CoV‐2 infection, COVID‐19 and timing of elective surgery

Study from 116 countries suggests surgery should be delayed for at least seven weeks following a COVID-19 diagnosis to reduce mortality risk

BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19.

The risk of postoperative complications following major elective surgery in active or resolved COVID-19 in the United States – Major, elective surgery 0–4 weeks after Covid-19 is associated with greatly increased risk of postoperative complications; surgery performed 4–8 weeks after infection is still associated with an increased risk of pneumonia.

ASA Guidance: Preoperative testing for COVID-19 is essential, regardless of vaccination.

Position statement: Perioperative management of post-COVID-19 surgical patients.

Cohort study: Postoperative in-hospital mortality of patients with COVID-19 infection was more than double that in patients without COVID-19

Revisão sistemática | Otimização dos sistemas hospitalares de prescrição eletrônica.

11 Mar, 2022 | 15:07h

Optimizing Hospital Electronic Prescribing Systems: A Systematic Scoping Review – Journal of Patient Safety

Novo guia OMS/ILO apela por maiores salvaguardas para proteger os trabalhadores da área da saúde.

10 Mar, 2022 | 15:44h

New WHO/ILO guide urges greater safeguards to protect health workers – World Health Organization

Guia OMS: Caring for those who care: Guide for the development and implementation of occupational health and safety programmes for health workers – World Health Organization

Resumo executivo: Caring for those who care: Guide for the development and implementation of occupational health and safety programmes for health workers – World Health Organization

Diretrizes sobre o tratamento de pessoas com multimorbidade e polifarmácia.

8 Mar, 2022 | 18:23h

Italian guidelines on management of persons with multimorbidity and polypharmacy – Aging Clinical and Experimental Research

FDA emite alerta após 2 crianças serem sufocadas pelo tubo de alimentação enteral.

8 Mar, 2022 | 18:18h

FDA issues warning after 2 children strangled by enteral feeding set tubing – AAP News

Relatório original: Potential Risk of Strangulation in Children who Use Enteral Feeding Delivery Sets – U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Revisão | Avaliação do processo de implementação de estratégias para reduzir a prescrição inadequada de medicamentos para a população idosa.

8 Mar, 2022 | 18:02h

Process evaluation of implementation strategies to reduce potentially inappropriate medication prescribing in older population: A scoping review – Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy


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