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Uso responsável dos escores de risco poligênico na prática clínica: potenciais benefícios, riscos e falhas.

17 Nov, 2021 | 12:47h

Responsible use of polygenic risk scores in the clinic: potential benefits, risks and gaps – Nature Medicine


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Documento de consenso IDSA/ASM | Aplicações clínicas e de prevenção de infecção da genotipagem do SARS-CoV-2.

16 Nov, 2021 | 12:48h

Clinical and Infection Prevention Applications of SARS-CoV-2 Genotyping: An IDSA/ASM Consensus Review Document – Clinical Infectious Diseases

Comunicado de imprensa: New review article outlines potential of SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequencing in patient care – American Society for Microbiology

Sequenciamento genômico completo pode melhorar o diagnóstico de doenças raras e encurtar a jornada diagnóstica para os pacientes.

11 Nov, 2021 | 16:13h

Comunicado de imprensa: Whole genome sequencing improves diagnosis of rare diseases and shortens diagnostic journeys for patients – Queen Mary University of London

Estudo original: 100,000 Genomes Pilot on Rare-Disease Diagnosis in Health Care — Preliminary Report – New England Journal of Medicine

Conteúdos relacionados:

RCT: Effect of whole-genome sequencing on the clinical management of acutely ill infants with suspected genetic disease.

Review: Genome sequencing as a diagnostic test.

Um proeminente virologista alerta que a nova pílula contra COVID-19 pode gerar perigosas mutações no vírus. Outros não veem com tanto alarde.

10 Nov, 2021 | 12:47h

A prominent virologist warns COVID-19 pill could unleash dangerous mutants. Others see little cause for alarm – Science

Ponto de vista original: Supercharging New Viral Variants: The Dangers Of Molnupiravir (Part 1) – Forbes

Conteúdos relacionados:

The U.K. approves Merck’s COVID-19 antiviral pill, calling it a world first.

Merck to allow other nations to produce new COVID-19 antiviral.

Video: Merck’s Covid pill could transform treatment. Here’s how it works.

How antiviral pill Molnupiravir shot ahead in the COVID drug hunt.

What we know — and don’t know — about Merck’s new Covid-19 pill.

[Press release – not published yet] Merck announces oral antiviral Molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by approximately 50 Percent compared to placebo for patients with mild or moderate COVID-19.

Merck’s Covid-19 pill is great news but may not be a game-changer.

Video | A Pill For COVID? A Doctor Explains Molnupiravir.

Revisão | Sequenciamento genômico como teste diagnóstico.

28 Out, 2021 | 15:50h

Genome sequencing as a diagnostic test – Canadian Medical Association Journal

Opinião | É preciso fundamentar as suposições sobre terapia gênica – “Pesquisadores, clínicos e pacientes devem equilibrar a promessa dessa disciplina com sua realidade.”

27 Out, 2021 | 12:28h

We Need to Ground Truth Assumptions about Gene Therapy – Nature

Teste genético no diagnóstico de doença renal crônica: recomendações para a prática clínica.

8 Out, 2021 | 11:36h

Genetic testing in the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease: recommendations for clinical practice – Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation


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Estudo randomizado | Efeito do sequenciamento total do genoma na abordagem clínica de crianças agudamente doentes com suspeita de doença genética.

1 Out, 2021 | 18:34h

Effect of Whole-Genome Sequencing on the Clinical Management of Acutely Ill Infants With Suspected Genetic Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Pediatrics


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Revisão | A próxima fase da vigilância do SARS-CoV-2: epidemiologia molecular em tempo real.

14 Set, 2021 | 14:26h

The next phase of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance: real-time molecular epidemiology – Nature Medicine


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Diretriz Científica da AHA | Teste genético para doenças cardiovasculares hereditárias em pacientes pediátricos.

6 Set, 2021 | 16:06h

Genetic Testing for Heritable Cardiovascular Diseases in Pediatric Patients: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association – Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine

Comunicado de imprensa: Genetic testing in children for heart disorders should be family-centered, include counseling – American Heart Association


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