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Emergências e UTI Pediátrica

Asma pediátrica: o consenso REGAP.

9 Ago, 2021 | 11:24h

Pediatric asthma: The REGAP consensus – Anales de Pediatría

Diretriz AARC | Tratamento de pacientes pediátricos com oxigênio no contexto de cuidado agudo.

9 Ago, 2021 | 11:23h

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline: Management of Pediatric Patients With Oxygen in the Acute Care Setting – Respiratory Care – American Association for Respiratory Care

Revisão sobre COVID-19: manifestações abdominais em adultos e síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica em crianças.

6 Ago, 2021 | 11:47h

Review of COVID-19, part 1: Abdominal manifestations in adults and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children – Clinical Imaging

Diretriz PIDS-IDSA sobre diagnóstico e tratamento da osteomielite hematogênica aguda em pediatria.

6 Ago, 2021 | 11:40h

Clinical Practice Guideline by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America: 2021 Guideline on Diagnosis and Management of Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in Pediatrics – Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Comunicado de imprensa: New PIDS-IDSA guideline on bone infections in children addresses key diagnostic and treatment questions – Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Estudo randomizado | Hipotermia terapêutica pode causar dano na encefalopatia neonatal moderada ou grave em países de baixa e média rendas.

5 Ago, 2021 | 11:38h

Hypothermia for moderate or severe neonatal encephalopathy in low-income and middle-income countries (HELIX): a randomised controlled trial in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh – The Lancet Global Health

Comunicado de imprensa: Brain injury treatment may cause harm in low and middle income nations – Imperial College London

Comentário: Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy in low resource settings—time to stop cooling? – The Lancet Global Health

Comentário sobre as últimas diretrizes da AAP sobre o neonato febril.

5 Ago, 2021 | 11:31h

Small Talk – Hot Off The Presses: The Latest AAP Guidelines for the Febrile Neonate – emDocs

Diretriz original:

AAP Guideline: Evaluation and management of well-appearing febrile infants 8 to 60 days old.

Conteúdos relacionados:

M-A: Low prevalence of bacterial meningitis among well-appearing febrile infants aged 29-60 days with positive urinalysis results – “These results suggest that for these infants, the decision to use lumbar puncture should not be guided by urinalysis results alone”.

Things We Do for No Reason: Lumbar Punctures in Low-Risk Febrile Infants with Bronchiolitis

[Abstract Only] Observational Study Suggests Testing for Meningitis May Not be Necessary for Febrile Well-Appearing Young Infants with Positive Urinalysis

Study: Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Febrile Infants at Low Risk for Serious Bacterial Infections

Cohort Study: Accuracy of Complete Blood Cell Counts to Identify Febrile Infants 60 Days or Younger With Invasive Bacterial Infections

Estudo randomizado | Efeito de protocolo de sedação e liberação de ventilação vs. cuidado usual durante a ventilação mecânica invasiva em UTI pediátrica.

4 Ago, 2021 | 12:16h

Effect of a Sedation and Ventilator Liberation Protocol vs Usual Care on Duration of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Pediatric Intensive Care Units: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA (gratuito por tempo limitado)


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Estudo de coorte | Seguimento de 6 meses da síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica em crianças.

3 Ago, 2021 | 11:32h

Six Month Follow-up of Patients With Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – Pediatrics (PDF)

Estudo de coorte | Manifestações neurológicas da infecção por SARS-CoV-2 em crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados no Reino Unido – “Em torno de 1 em cada 20 crianças hospitalizadas com COVID-19 desenvolveu complicações neurológicas associadas à infecção viral.”

26 Jul, 2021 | 10:21h

Neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection in hospitalised children and adolescents in the UK: a prospective national cohort study – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health


Neuroinflammation triggered by SARS-CoV-2 infection: syndromes and therapies – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

New UK study reveals extent of brain complications in children hospitalized with COVID-19 – University of Liverpool


Comentário no Twitter


Diretriz AAP | Avaliação e tratamento de bebês febris, mas com boa aparência, entre 6 e 60 dias de vida.

20 Jul, 2021 | 10:51h

Evaluation and Management of Well-Appearing Febrile Infants 8 to 60 Days Old – Pediatrics

Comunicado de imprensa: AAP releases clinical practice guideline on well-appearing febrile infants – AAP News

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