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Cuidado a idosos durante a pandemia de COVID-19.

15 Mar, 2022 | 13:18h

Caring for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic – Clinical Microbiology and Infection

Coorte retrospectiva | Asma em crianças e adolescentes não está associada a risco aumentado de infecção por SARS-CoV-2.

15 Mar, 2022 | 13:17h

Asthma and the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children and Adolescents – Pediatrics

Comentário: Kids with asthma not at higher risk of COVID-19, study finds – CIDRAP

Conteúdos relacionados:

We expected people with asthma to fare worse during COVID. Turns out they’ve had a break.

M-A: Asthma does not increase the risk of infection, hospitalization, ICU admission, and mortality from COVID-19

Systematic review: No evidence that patients with asthma are at increased risk of COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization or death

Asthma in COVID-19 hospitalizations: An overestimated risk factor?

2 anos depois, a evolução do coronavírus ainda surpreende os especialistas, e estes são os motivos.

15 Mar, 2022 | 13:15h

Two years later, coronavirus evolution still surprises experts. Here’s why. – National Geographic

“Suprimimos nossa imaginação científica”: 4 especialistas examinam os grandes sucessos e fracassos da resposta à COVID até agora.

15 Mar, 2022 | 13:13h

‘We suppressed our scientific imagination’: four experts examine the big successes and failures of the COVID response so far – The Conversation

Revisão sistemática | Efetividade do rastreamento de contatos no controle de doenças infecciosas.

14 Mar, 2022 | 14:06h

Effectiveness of contact tracing in the control of infectious diseases: a systematic review – The Lancet Public Health

Revisão sistemática e metarregressão | Duração da efetividade das vacinas contra infecção por SARS-CoV-2 e COVID-19.

14 Mar, 2022 | 14:05h

Duration of effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease: results of a systematic review and meta-regression – The Lancet


Review of pre-Omicron data finds COVID-19 vaccine protection from severe disease remains strong at six months – Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Waning of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness: individual and public health risk – The Lancet

Conteúdos relacionados: [Preprint] Systematic Review: Duration of Effectiveness of Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Disease – “effectiveness against COVID-19 severe disease remained high (>70%) in most studies in the six months after full vaccination, although it did decrease some (on average, 8-10 percentage points) between one and six months after full vaccination”.

Como parar as pandemias antes que elas comecem: lições aprendidas com o SARS-CoV-2.

14 Mar, 2022 | 14:03h

Stopping pandemics before they start: Lessons learned from SARS-CoV-2 – Science

A epidemiologia em modificação do SARS-CoV-2.

14 Mar, 2022 | 14:02h

The changing epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 – Science

Revisão | Síndrome da COVID-19 pós-aguda.

14 Mar, 2022 | 14:01h

Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome – European Respiratory Journal

Conteúdos relacionados:

ESCMID rapid guidelines for assessment and management of long COVID.

ERS statement on Long COVID-19 follow-up.

Proposed subtypes of long-Covid and their respective potential therapies.

EuGMS Guidance: Management of post-acute COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation.

Addressing Post-COVID Symptoms: A Guide for Primary Care Physicians.

Global surveillance, research, and collaboration needed to improve understanding and management of long COVID.

Provocative study suggests that persistent physical symptoms after COVID-19 infection may be associated more with the belief in having been infected with SARS-CoV-2 than with having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection.

Update to post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Caring for the ‘long-haulers’.

Systematic Review: Short-term and long-term rates of postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

WHO Consensus: A clinical case definition of post COVID-19 condition (Long Covid).

Characterizing long COVID: a living systematic review.

Long Covid – The illness narratives.

New guidelines to help doctors manage long COVID patients published.

M-A: More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19. (vários artigos sobre o tema)

Diretriz OMS | Uso de testes diagnósticos rápidos de detecção de antígeno do SARS-CoV-2 para o autoteste de COVID-19.

11 Mar, 2022 | 15:18h

Use of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detection rapid diagnostic tests for COVID-19 self-testing – World Health Organization

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